7 Facts about fibroids and how functional medicine in Toronto can be applied


Did you know that functional medicine from Toronto can help address uterine fibroids concerns? 

These growths are experienced by 70% of women through their reproductive years. Almost 99% of the time, uterine fibroids are benign – but they shouldn’t be ignored, especially if you have heavy cramping and excessive bleeding. 

The Toronto Functional Medicine Centre (TFMC) provides a personalized approach to treatment plans, and these tactics may be applied to fibroids. As a new patient, you can learn how to help manage these issues directly from our compassionate health team.

We highlight facts about fibroids, how our clinic applies the functional medicine model to this condition, and a brief profile of our practice.

7 Facts About Fibroids

    1. Formed in the uterus, fibroids are swollen growths created out of muscle cells and connective tissue. Sometimes they swell into the uterine cavity or externally from the uterus. One fibroid or a group of them can develop. 
    2. They come in a wide range of sizes, from being as miniscule as a rice grain to the size of a melon. 
    3. A main cause has not been determined. But scientists propose that extreme amounts of estrogen could promote these growths; a family history of fibroids (medical history) may be involved.
    4. It’s also been suspected that obesity, blood pressure levels, and an excessive dietary intake of red meat may be contributing factors to fibroids. 
    5. Some women who suffer from fibroids may undergo infertility, pregnancy issues, or soreness during sex. 
Did you know…
That functional medicine can be applied to a wide variety of health issues? These include, but are not limited, to:
Chronic conditions
Digestive issues
Heart disease
Cellular health
Nutritional deficiencies
Brain health (i.e. cognition)
Body achess
Blood pressure levels

6. Symptoms may include: constipation, low back pelvic pain, bleeding in the middle of your menstrual cycles, stomach pain or feelings of fullness. 

7. Fibroids may be diagnosed by conducting an ultrasound and/or MRI. Depending on the severity of fibroids, you may have the option to remove them through conventional medicine. (Note: a hysterectomy may be advised for women who do not have upcoming fertility health goals.) Functional and integrative medicine therapies may be applied as adjunct support for managing fibroids and individual symptoms. 

Truly, these uncomfortable growths can hinder optimal health on a daily basis. In the next section, learn how the integrative functional medicine approach is practiced on fibroids.

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Applying Functional Medicine Therapies to This Condition

If you reflect on functional medicine wisdom, some tools for addressing fibroids may include a “whole body” approach. For example, our TFMC health care team may recommend the following if a patient is suffering from fibroids: 

  • Getting functional medicine testing conducted: By having lab tests conducted (i.e. DUTCH test), we can explore some reasons why fibroids are occurring in your body. The DUTCH test uses dried urine samples to test for elevated levels of estrogen, which may contribute to your formation of fibroids. 
  • Altering lifestyle factors: Obesity may be a risk factor for fibroids; weight management tactics, such as a healthy diet and regular exercise, may be helpful. Also, consider swapping processed foods for organic options, fresh produce, and leafy greens. Studies have shown that “…a low intake of fruit and green vegetables is linked to a higher risk of [fibroids],” confirms an International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health review.   
  • Taking Supplements: A lack of vitamin D could contribute to uterine fibroids. One study demonstrated that vitamin D supplementation helped deceased the size of fibroids in premenopausal participants who were already vitamin-D deficient. 
  • Having bio-identical hormones prescribed: BHRT (bioidentical hormone replacement therapy) utilizes plant-based ingredients to mimic human hormones, such as progesterone. This treatment may help re-establish levels of progesterone if fibroids are caused by extreme estrogen levels. 

Keep in mind that the treatments above may or may not apply to your unique condition; please book a consultation with us to customize your fibroid treatments. 

About our therapies

At the TFMC, we can assist you with integrated health care so that you take an actionable role in your wellness. Our goal is to help you confront the root of your health issues and to implement tailored tools for chronic disease prevention. 

Next to clinical nutrition and functional medicine, we offer acupuncture, naturopathic medicine, Western medicine, herbal medicine, bioidentical hormones, IV drip therapy, and other treatment modalities. These integrative medicine options are offered to help manage your current symptoms. Personalized treatment plans and IV drip therapy formulas are in line with integrative functional medicine wisdom; this is how we serve unique health needs. 

We motivate you to adhere to health goals through education and a collaborative approach to customizing therapies. What this means is that patient input may be intertwined in your treatment plan! Our compassionate health team is eager to introduce you to the benefits of a healthy lifestyle for the long haul. 

Our integrative approach to health care could enlighten you regarding fibroid treatments. Do you need help addressing women’s health issues (i.e. menopausal symptoms)? Fill in our contact form to request a session with a Toronto functional medicine practitioner. 

Disclaimer: The information in this article is designed for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. This information should not be used to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting a doctor. Consult with a health care practitioner before relying on any information in this article or on this website.



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Uterine Fibroids: Q&A With an Expert”, John Hopkins Medicine, by Valerie Lynn Baker, M.D., viewed on June 30, 2023. 

Wise LA, Palmer JR, Harlow BL, Spiegelman D, Stewart EA, Adams-Campbell LL, Rosenberg L. Risk of uterine leiomyomata in relation to tobacco, alcohol and caffeine consumption in the Black Women’s Health Study. Hum Reprod. 2004 Aug;19(8):1746-54. doi: 10.1093/humrep/deh309. Epub 2004 Jun 24. PMID: 15218005; PMCID: PMC1876785.

Yang Q, Ciebiera M, Bariani MV, Ali M, Elkafas H, Boyer TG, Al-Hendy A. Comprehensive Review of Uterine Fibroids: Developmental Origin, Pathogenesis, and Treatment. Endocr Rev. 2022 Jul 13;43(4):678-719. doi: 10.1210/endrev/bnab039. Erratum in: Endocr Rev. 2022 Mar 02;: Erratum in: Endocr Rev. 2022 Mar 02;: PMID: 34741454; PMCID: PMC9277653.

Zimmermann, A., Bernuit, D., Gerlinger, C. et al. Prevalence, symptoms and management of uterine fibroids: an international internet-based survey of 21,746 women. BMC Women’s Health 12, 6 (2012). https://doi.org/10.1186/1472-6874-12-6


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