Lab Testing Service

Laboratory Tests and Diagnostic Services

Laboratory Tests and Diagnostic Services

Have you ever experienced persistent health concerns, yet conventional lab tests return normal results? You’re certainly not alone in this perplexing situation! That’s where our comprehensive functional medicine lab tests can come into play. These tests can potentially delve into critical insights about your wellness.

Uniqueness is at the heart of our personalized approach to health. We understand that no two patients are the same. This perspective is crucial, as it guides us in tailoring treatment plans based on precise findings from your lab tests. By focusing on what’s actually happening in your body, our functional medicine approach aims to address your health issues personally.

For more details about our lab services or to request a consultation from the Toronto Functional Medicine Centre (TFMC), please call (416) 968-961 or click here to send us a message.

Type of Test


How it Works

Celiac and gluten intolerance testing – Celiac and gluten sensitivity test serum IGE – Doctor’s Data

Scrutinizes the body for gluten intolerances (not correlated with celiac disease) or celiac disease indicators.
Genetic indicators and antibodies are quantified through a blood sample; also compares IgA and IgG antibodies to endomysial, tTG, as well as deamidated gliadin peptides.
GI 360 essential stool analysis – Microbiome, IBS, yeast and dysbiosis – Doctor’s Data
This functional test is designed to detect and assess the status of pathogens, bacteria, and viruses; these constituents can hinder the digestive tract or worsen digestive disorders.
A stool sample must be submitted; can detect 45+ analytes that are known to impact chronic conditions and gut health.
Comprehensive stool analysis and parasitology: parasite detection – Doctor’s Data
Detects the causes of gastrointestinal symptoms; uses bacteriology and yeast cultures to pinpoint beneficial, imbalanced, and dysbiotic flora; also detects contagious pathogens/ parasites using PCR and gold-standard methods.
From analyzing a stool sample, some of the parasites this test can detect include Giardia lamblia, Dientamoeba fragilis, and Blastocystis hominis.
Food Sensitivity IgG testing – Rocky Mountain Analytical
Sometimes it’s difficult to determine which foods are troublesome, but this lab test provides you with explicit data about your diet.
A blood sample must be submitted; quantifies IgG antibodies from the foods and beverages you consume on a daily basis.

96 Food Allergy Panel – US Biotek Lab

Which foods are you exactly allergic to? This test looks out for various food allergens in your body, such as dairy, grains, vegetables, herbs, and fish.

Blood must be provided to measure IgE antibodies; can detect 96 different foods, offering a well-rounded report of your food allergies.


GI effects/inflammatory testing: Calprotectin, lactoferrin, etc. – Genova Diagnostics

Assesses digestive function, evaluates key intestinal inflammation markers, and analyzes the intestinal microbiome; understanding these aspects may contributing to the effective management of gastrointestinal health.

A stool sample is analyzed; high quantities of calprotectin and lactoferrin may indicate bowel inflammatory responses, which can contribute to digestive issues or worsen chronic disease conditions.

GI-Map (Microbial Assay Plus): Parasites, fungi, bacteria – Diagnostic Solutions

May be suitable for indigestion, malabsorption, and gut inflammation. Parasites, fungi, bacteria, and more may be detected, too.

This comprehensive test implements qPCR (quantitative polymerase chain reaction) technology to pinpoint the DNA of organisms found in your stool.

Microbiome, yeast and dysbiosis stool cultures

May be advised to customize a treatment for poor gut health and yeast infections.

A stool sample is assessed for pathogenic infections (i.e. yeast) and your absorption of nutrients.

SIBO testing (hydrogen and methane) – from common labs – University Health Network 

You may be at risk of SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) if your gut microflora has been altered due to aging, medications and/or organ dysfunction. SIBO is also related to Celiac disease, fibromyalgia, diabetes, IBS or IBD, Parkinson’s obesity and rosacea.

Our SIBO test involves a breath test that captures hydrogen and methane gases; these are exhaled after consuming a lactose liquid. The measurement of bacterial overgrowth can then be examined to determine the appropriate treatments.

Type of Test


How it Works

DUTCH Plus: HPA axis + cortisol awakening response

Provides a wide-ranging report of your hormone balance by scrutinizing cortisol metabolites (total and distribution); examines sex hormones and metabolites, as well as the diurnal free cortisol pattern.  

A mix of dried urine and saliva samples must be submitted to review sex and adrenal hormones; may offer us insight by measuring both cortisol patterns and metabolite.

Complete thyroid panel serum test – TSH, Free T3, Free T4, TPO thyroid antibodies – Life labs

Conventional medicine tests tend to examine select thyroid hormones; due to this limitation, thyroid support and/or prescriptions may still not offer relief to patients. Our thyroid panel is a complete profile of all of thyroid hormones, which helps us diagnose thyroid dysfunctions.

Our full thyroid panel collects blood samples for testing Reverse T3, Free T3 (triiodothyronine), Free T4(thyroxine), TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone), anti-thyroglobulin and TPO (thyroperoxidase antibody). These results can help us determine the next steps in your thyroid health journey (i.e. nutraceuticals, vitamins, etc.).

Dutch Complete: Comprehensive adrenal and Female hormone testing

Captures a widespread picture of female hormone levels that cannot be identified in conventional blood, 24-hour urine and saliva tests.

Dried urine samples can measure estrogen and progesterone levels regarding PMS, irregular periods, PCOS, fertility concerns, depression and menopause.


Inflammatory panel:              HS CRP, ESR, ferritin, fibrinogen, glucose, HA1C, CBC, albumin

This test may be used when we suspect that elevated inflammation is present, which can be the root of autoimmune disease symptoms, heart disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome, and more.

This blood test can detect inflammatory indicators, which is something that conventional tests may not cover. Quantified components include CRP (C-reactive protein), fibrinogen, and ferritin levels.

Insulin resistance panel: Glucose challenge, HA1C, fasting glucose, fasting insulin

Unlike conventional insulin tests, this test can offer comprehensive data for assessing insulin resistance and whether you’re at risk for prediabetes/diabetes or cardiovascular disease.

Integral for scrutinizing insulin resistance and for determining your risks for prediabetes and diabetes; insulin markers are calculated with a blood sample.

Dutch Complete: Comprehensive adrenal and male hormone testing

Captures a widespread picture of male hormone levels that cannot be identified in conventional blood, 24-hour urine and saliva tests.

Dried urine samples are used to quantify testosterone and adrenal hormones; these hormones can impact the status of male libido, weight management, and “male menopause”.

PCOS serum test: FSH, LH, DHEA, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, androstenedione, prolactin

May provide insight into PCOS-related symptoms, such as insulin resistance, acne, weight gain and inflammation.

As a blood test, it quantifies components linked to PCOS, such as androgen, testosterone, and DHEA levels, as well as certain vitamins.

Perimenopause serum testing: FSH, LH, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, TSH

Helps us determine if you’re near or in menopause; this hormone panel can test for estrogen and other sex hormones.

This blood test calculates FSH, LH, TSH, and estradiol levels to pinpoint your transition towards perimenopause. Results are used to tailor your next steps for adjusting to perimenopause.

Saliva profile for female and male hormones – ZRT Laboratory

This may be advised to monitor responses from hormone replacement therapies, and to scrutinize hormone levels that may be behind PMS discomforts, hypogonadism, infertility, adrenal fatigue, and osteoporosis.

Saliva samples are submitted to test adrenal and sex hormones. Estradiol, progesterone, testosterone, cortisol, and DHEA-S (waking levels) would be analyzed; this also includes a full diurnal cortisol profile, which scrutinizes morning, noon, evening and night cortisol levels.

Type of Test


How it Works

Neurological Autoimmune Reactivity Screen Expanded – Array 7X Cyrex labs

Measures the severity of autoimmune reactions and the efficacy of treatments for managing a neurological condition.

This blood test helps us scrutinize various biomarkers, such as cerebellar IgG and IgA, and alpha/beta tubulin IgG and IgA.


Blood brain barrier permeability – Array 20X Cyrex labs

For brain health symptoms linked to pollutants and concussions.

A blood sample must be submitted, which is used to evaluate the blood-brain barrier; may also help us establish your risks for neurodegenerative conditions.

Fatty acids/Red blood cells- 
Life labs

An imbalance of essential and nonessential fatty acids can occur. This test quantifies this imbalance, which can potentially cause memory loss and mood issues.

This blood test can quantify levels of arachidonic acid, linoleic acid, stearic acid, and more.

Urine amino acids – Doctor’s Data

Focuses on amino acid nutritional deficiencies, especially those linked to insomnia, mood concerns, and oxidative stress.

A urine sample is required for identifying essential and non-essential amino acid deficiencies.

Type of Test


How it Works

Chemical and heavy metals test – Array 11 Cyrex Labs

Unlike conventional tests that only detect chemical exposures, this test can quantify your risks and responses to chemicals that have attached to your body’s tissue proteins.

Biomarkers for BPA, cobalt, arsenic, parabens, and more may be detected. A blood specimen must be submitted.

Pathogen-associated immune reactivity screen –
Array 12 Cyrex Labs

Autoimmune reactions may occur due to pathogens (i.e. mold) in the body. This test can help us identify how pathogens may be triggering autoimmune reactions linked to your liver, heart, gut health, and more.

A blood specimen is tested for various biomarkers, such as Aspergillus spp., Rotavirus A., Giardia, Candida albicans, Helicobacter Pylori, and more.

Genova diagnostics
Comprehensive Urine Elements Profile – Genova Diagnostics

For concerns regarding nutrient mineral wasting or toxic heavy metal exposures.

This urine test quantifies various toxins, including lead, arsenic, mercury and niobium. It is sensitive enough to detect 20 heavy metals and 15 nutrients in the body.

Tick borne disease Lyme ImmunoBlot Panel 1 –

This series of tests may help us diagnose Lyme disease, and the results can help us make decisions for your upcoming treatment.

Borrelia burgdorferi IgG, Borrelia burgdorferi igA, and Borrelia burgdorferi IgM antibodies are quantified using blood samples.


Personalized nutritional assessment – Metabolomics test – Genova Diagnostics

Nutritional deficiencies can trigger cellular dysfunction, low energy levels and chronic disease. This measures nutritional biomarkers to see if you require extra antioxidants, amino acids, minerals, fatty acids and B vitamins.

A morning urine test is analyzed for high levels of organic acids, amino acids and oxidative stress markers. You may also opt in to “add-ons”, which includes a) submitting a bloodspot to assess essential and metabolic fatty acids; b) completing another urine test to detect 20 toxic elements and 15 mineral elements. NOTE: this test is not available for patients under the age of 2.

Organic acid testing: OAT test – Mosaic Labs

Patients with metabolic/chronic conditions tend to urinate organic acids 100x their concentration levels. This test may offer additional insight into your body’s metabolic functioning.

This test can detect 1,000+ organic acids, as well as oxidative stress, nutritional deficiencies, intestinal yeast, the presence of mold, and neurotransmitter imbalances.

Hair mineral analysis –
Doctor’s Data

Shows us a wide-ranging picture of mineral levels over a period of time; may offer additional insight into your health, as conventional blood samples can be affected by mineral variations and may not provide an accurate analysis.

This functional test enumerates mineral deficiencies through small hair samples; it can also quantify toxin exposures linked to environmental factors.

Super mold immunoreactivity panel – Alletess Medical Laboratory

For concerns regarding mold exposure; also includes a mold elimination plan, which explains how to lower your chances of future reactions to these exposures. 

This panel can detect 16 different molds and candida, while quantifying IgE, IgA and IgG responses; a blood sample is required.

TickPlex assay for Lyme disease – Armin labs

This diagnostic test may be suitable for helping manage Lyme disease symptoms, as it can detect antibodies during various stages of this disease condition.

This blood test can detect IgM and IgG antibodies of various pathogens (bacterial and viral) and ticks. It can also detect other tick-borne disease infections outside of Lyme disease (i.e. Bartonellosis).


Type of Test:
Celiac and gluten intolerance testing – Celiac and gluten sensitivity test serum IGE – Doctor’s Data

Scrutinizes the body for gluten intolerances (not correlated with celiac disease) or celiac disease indicators.

How it Works:
Genetic indicators and antibodies are quantified through a blood sample; also compares IgA and IgG antibodies to endomysial, tTG, as well as deamidated gliadin peptides.

Type of Test:
GI 360 essential stool analysis – Microbiome, IBS, yeast and dysbiosis – Doctor’s Data

This functional test is designed to detect and assess the status of pathogens, bacteria, and viruses; these constituents can hinder the digestive tract or worsen digestive disorders.

How it Works:
A stool sample must be submitted; can detect 45+ analytes that are known to impact chronic conditions and gut health.

Type of Test:
Comprehensive stool analysis and parasitology: parasite detection – Doctor’s Data

Detects the causes of gastrointestinal symptoms; uses bacteriology and yeast cultures to pinpoint beneficial, imbalanced, and dysbiotic flora; also detects contagious pathogens/ parasites using PCR and gold-standard methods.

How it Works:
From analyzing a stool sample, some of the parasites this test can detect include Giardia lamblia, Dientamoeba fragilis, and Blastocystis hominis.

Type of Test:
Food Sensitivity IgG testing – Rocky Mountain Analytical

Sometimes it’s difficult to determine which foods are troublesome, but this lab test provides you with explicit data about your diet.

How it Works:
A blood sample must be submitted; quantifies IgG antibodies from the foods and beverages you consume on a daily basis.

Type of Test:
96 Food Allergy Panel – US Biotek Lab

Which foods are you exactly allergic to? This test looks out for various food allergens in your body, such as dairy, grains, vegetables, herbs, and fish.

How it Works:
Blood must be provided to measure IgE antibodies; can detect 96 different foods, offering a well-rounded report of your food allergies.

Type of Test:
GI effects/inflammatory testing: Calprotectin, lactoferrin, etc. – Genova Diagnostics

Assesses digestive function, evaluates key intestinal inflammation markers, and analyzes the intestinal microbiome; understanding these aspects may contributing to the effective management of gastrointestinal health.

How it Works:
A stool sample is analyzed; high quantities of calprotectin and lactoferrin may indicate bowel inflammatory responses, which can contribute to digestive issues or worsen chronic disease conditions.

Type of Test:
GI-Map (Microbial Assay Plus): Parasites, fungi, bacteria – Diagnostic Solutions

May be suitable for indigestion, malabsorption, and gut inflammation. Parasites, fungi, bacteria, and more may be detected, too.

How it Works:
This comprehensive test implements qPCR (quantitative polymerase chain reaction) technology to pinpoint the DNA of organisms found in your stool.

Type of Test:
Microbiome, yeast and dysbiosis stool cultures

May be advised to customize a treatment for poor gut health and yeast infections.

How it Works:
A stool sample is assessed for pathogenic infections (i.e. yeast) and your absorption of nutrients.

Type of Test:
SIBO testing (hydrogen and methane) – from common labs – University Health Network 

You may be at risk of SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) if your gut microflora has been altered due to aging, medications and/or organ dysfunction. SIBO is also related to Celiac disease, fibromyalgia, diabetes, IBS or IBD, Parkinson’s obesity and rosacea.

How it Works:
Our SIBO test involves a breath test that captures hydrogen and methane gases; these are exhaled after consuming a lactose liquid. The measurement of bacterial overgrowth can then be examined to determine the appropriate treatments.


Type of Test:
DUTCH Plus: HPA axis + cortisol awakening response

Provides a wide-ranging report of your hormone balance by scrutinizing cortisol metabolites (total and distribution); examines sex hormones and metabolites, as well as the diurnal free cortisol pattern. 

How it Works:
A mix of dried urine and saliva samples must be submitted to review sex and adrenal hormones; may offer us insight by measuring both cortisol patterns and metabolite.

Type of Test:
Complete thyroid panel serum test – TSH, Free T3, Free T4, TPO thyroid antibodies – Life labs

Conventional medicine tests tend to examine select thyroid hormones; due to this limitation, thyroid support and/or prescriptions may still not offer relief to patients. Our thyroid panel is a complete profile of all of thyroid hormones, which helps us diagnose thyroid dysfunctions.

How it Works:
Our full thyroid panel collects blood samples for testing Reverse T3, Free T3 (triiodothyronine), Free T4(thyroxine), TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone), anti-thyroglobulin and TPO (thyroperoxidase antibody). These results can help us determine the next steps in your thyroid health journey (i.e. nutraceuticals, vitamins, etc.).

Type of Test:
Dutch Complete: Comprehensive adrenal and Female hormone testing

Captures a widespread picture of female hormone levels that cannot be identified in conventional blood, 24-hour urine and saliva tests.

How it Works:
Dried urine samples can measure estrogen and progesterone levels regarding PMS, irregular periods, PCOS, fertility concerns, depression and menopause.

Type of Test:
Inflammatory panel:              HS CRP, ESR, ferritin, fibrinogen, glucose, HA1C, CBC, albumin

This test may be used when we suspect that elevated inflammation is present, which can be the root of autoimmune disease symptoms, heart disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome, and more.

How it Works:
This blood test can detect inflammatory indicators, which is something that conventional tests may not cover. Quantified components include CRP (C-reactive protein), fibrinogen, and ferritin levels.

Type of Test:
Insulin resistance panel: Glucose challenge, HA1C, fasting glucose, fasting insulin

Unlike conventional insulin tests, this test can offer comprehensive data for assessing insulin resistance and whether you’re at risk for prediabetes/diabetes or cardiovascular disease.

How it Works:
Integral for scrutinizing insulin resistance and for determining your risks for prediabetes and diabetes; insulin markers are calculated with a blood sample.

Type of Test:
Dutch Complete: Comprehensive adrenal and male hormone testing

Captures a widespread picture of male hormone levels that cannot be identified in conventional blood, 24-hour urine and saliva tests.

How it Works:
Dried urine samples are used to quantify testosterone and adrenal hormones; these hormones can impact the status of male libido, weight management, and “male menopause”.

Type of Test:
PCOS serum test: FSH, LH, DHEA, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, androstenedione, prolactin

May provide insight into PCOS-related symptoms, such as insulin resistance, acne, weight gain and inflammation.

How it Works:
As a blood test, it quantifies components linked to PCOS, such as androgen, testosterone, and DHEA levels, as well as certain vitamins.

Type of Test:
Perimenopause serum testing: FSH, LH, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, TSH

Helps us determine if you’re near or in menopause; this hormone panel can test for estrogen and other sex hormones.

How it Works:
This blood test calculates FSH, LH, TSH, and estradiol levels to pinpoint your transition towards perimenopause. Results are used to tailor your next steps for adjusting to perimenopause.

Type of Test:
Saliva profile for female and male hormones – ZRT Laboratory

This may be advised to monitor responses from hormone replacement therapies, and to scrutinize hormone levels that may be behind PMS discomforts, hypogonadism, infertility, adrenal fatigue, and osteoporosis.

How it Works:
Saliva samples are submitted to test adrenal and sex hormones. Estradiol, progesterone, testosterone, cortisol, and DHEA-S (waking levels) would be analyzed; this also includes a full diurnal cortisol profile, which scrutinizes morning, noon, evening and night cortisol levels.


Type of Test:
Neurological Autoimmune Reactivity Screen Expanded – Array 7X Cyrex labs

Measures the severity of autoimmune reactions and the efficacy of treatments for managing a neurological condition.

How it works:
This blood test helps us scrutinize various biomarkers, such as cerebellar IgG and IgA, and alpha/beta tubulin IgG and IgA.

Type of Test:
Blood brain barrier permeabilityArray 20X Cyrex labs

For brain health symptoms linked to pollutants and concussions.

How it works:
A blood sample must be submitted, which is used to evaluate the blood-brain barrier; may also help us establish your risks for neurodegenerative conditions.

Type of Test:
Fatty acids/Red blood cells- 
Life labs

An imbalance of essential and nonessential fatty acids can occur. This test quantifies this imbalance, which can potentially cause memory loss and mood issues.

How it works:
This blood test can quantify levels of arachidonic acid, linoleic acid, stearic acid, and more.

Type of Test:
Urine amino acids – Doctor’s Data

Focuses on amino acid nutritional deficiencies, especially those linked to insomnia, mood concerns, and oxidative stress.

How it works:
A urine sample is required for identifying essential and non-essential amino acid deficiencies.


Type of Test:
Chemical and heavy metals test – Array 11 Cyrex Labs

Unlike conventional tests that only detect chemical exposures, this test can quantify your risks and responses to chemicals that have attached to your body’s tissue proteins.

How it works:
Biomarkers for BPA, cobalt, arsenic, parabens, and more may be detected. A blood specimen must be submitted.

Type of Test:
Pathogen-associated immune reactivity screen –
Array 12 Cyrex Labs

Autoimmune reactions may occur due to pathogens (i.e. mold) in the body. This test can help us identify how pathogens may be triggering autoimmune reactions linked to your liver, heart, gut health, and more.

How it works:
A blood specimen is tested for various biomarkers, such as Aspergillus spp., Rotavirus A., Giardia, Candida albicans, Helicobacter Pylori, and more.

Type of Test:
Genova diagnostics
Comprehensive Urine Elements Profile – Genova Diagnostics

For concerns regarding nutrient mineral wasting or toxic heavy metal exposures.

How it works:
This urine test quantifies various toxins, including lead, arsenic, mercury and niobium. It is sensitive enough to detect 20 heavy metals and 15 nutrients in the body.

Type of Test:
Tick borne disease – Lyme ImmunoBlot Panel 1 –

This series of tests may help us diagnose Lyme disease, and the results can help us make decisions for your upcoming treatment.

How it works:
Borrelia burgdorferi IgG, Borrelia burgdorferi igA, and Borrelia burgdorferi IgM antibodies are quantified using blood samples.

Type of Test:
Personalized nutritional assessment – Metabolomics test – Genova Diagnostics

Nutritional deficiencies can trigger cellular dysfunction, low energy levels and chronic disease. This measures nutritional biomarkers to see if you require extra antioxidants, amino acids, minerals, fatty acids and B vitamins.

How it works:
A morning urine test is analyzed for high levels of organic acids, amino acids and oxidative stress markers. You may also opt in to “add-ons”, which includes a) submitting a bloodspot to assess essential and metabolic fatty acids; b) completing another urine test to detect 20 toxic elements and 15 mineral elements. NOTE: this test is not available for patients under the age of 2.

Type of Test:
Organic acid testing: OAT test – Mosaic Labs

Patients with metabolic/chronic conditions tend to urinate organic acids 100x their concentration levels. This test may offer additional insight into your body’s metabolic functioning.

How it works:
This test can detect 1,000+ organic acids, as well as oxidative stress, nutritional deficiencies, intestinal yeast, the presence of mold, and neurotransmitter imbalances.

Type of Test:
Hair mineral analysis –
Doctor’s Data

Shows us a wide-ranging picture of mineral levels over a period of time; may offer additional insight into your health, as conventional blood samples can be affected by mineral variations and may not provide an accurate analysis.

How it works:
This functional test enumerates mineral deficiencies through small hair samples; it can also quantify toxin exposures linked to environmental factors.

Type of Test:
Super mold immunoreactivity panel – Alletess Medical Laboratory

For concerns regarding mold exposure; also includes a mold elimination plan, which explains how to lower your chances of future reactions to these exposures.

How it works:
This panel can detect 16 different molds and candida, while quantifying IgE, IgA and IgG responses; a blood sample is required.

Type of Test:
TickPlex assay for Lyme disease – Armin labs

This diagnostic test may be suitable for helping manage Lyme disease symptoms, as it can detect antibodies during various stages of this disease condition.

How it works:
This blood test can detect IgM and IgG antibodies of various pathogens (bacterial and viral) and ticks. It can also detect other tick-borne disease infections outside of Lyme disease (i.e. Bartonellosis).

Our commitment to personalized care can guide you toward optimal health. Are you wondering which functional medicine test aligns with your health journey? The first step is to schedule a session with our wellness team! As a new patient, we take the time to fully understand your specific health concerns and objectives. Based on a comprehensive assessment, we can recommend suitable lab tests from the TFMC. Let’s help you navigate your wellness path with clarity and confidence.

FYI: if you’re interested in a test that isn’t listed here, simply let us know! Request your lab consultation at the Toronto Functional Medicine Centre – just click here to reach us.


CALL US TODAY (416) 968-6961