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How to Select an Integrative and Functional Medicine Doctor in Toronto


Functional medicine from a Toronto clinic can promote optimal wellness in patients. But how do you know when a functional medicine doctor is suitable for your needs?

Chronic conditions are on the rise, and many Canadians want to take control of their wellness for long-term health. The functional medicine model is a distinctive way to manage chronic disease and to prevent and help alleviate different health concerns, such as chronic pain, age-related concerns, digestive issues, weight management, and improving immune function.

Functional medicine is composed of patient-centered care, promotes collaboration between the patient and practitioner, and pinpoints the root cause of your concerns. If you’re interested in finding a functional medicine provider, it’s necessary to consult with one who makes you feel at ease, while understanding your health concerns.

So how do you know when you’ve found a suitable functional medicine practitioner? Read on to learn more from our clinical practice, the Toronto Functional Medicine Centre.

What exactly is a functional medicine practitioner?

A functional medicine practitioner has a special interest in integrative medicine and functional medicine. Their goal is to help determine the trigger behind individual symptoms while treating the patient as a unique entity with a comprehensive treatment plan.

The practitioner may ask the patient about their family history, lifestyle factors, environmental factors, daily diet, etc. In fact, the practitioner may suggest specific functional medicine testing to further determine any underlying issues (i.e. nutritional deficiencies, hormone imbalances).

Each Toronto functional medicine provider must undertake systematic courses/education and pass exams to obtain their health care licenses (board certifications, etc.). Then they can train under reputable functional medicine programs. All of these tasks must be completed before caring for patients.

Functional medicine practitioners may include the following certified individuals: nurses, medical doctors, osteopaths, chiropractors and naturopathic doctors. Since the types of functional medicine practitioners vary, it’s important to meet a functional medicine provider for a meet-and-greet consultation prior to receiving treatments.

You’ve found a suitable Toronto functional medicine provider when …

So how do you know when you’ve found “the one”? Or in other words, a functional medicine provider who suits your wellness goals? Here are a few signs:

  • The practitioner makes you feel comfortable without being judgmental.
  • They do not “guarantee” the effects of your personalized medicine.
  • They want to get to know you – they will openly ask thorough questions about your health status and past to understand your situation.
  • They want to discuss clinical nutrition, including deficiencies and dietary changes.
  • They are knowledgeable about various chronic health conditions and their scientific evidence.

If you’ve found a fitting functional medicine practitioner who doesn’t work in your area, see if they offer virtual consultations. That way, you can have access to their treatment without commuting. Also, if you have a compromised immune system or feel uncomfortable leaving home right now, telemedicine is handy for getting functional medicine advice.

When should you find a new functional medicine provider? 

Sometimes patients and health care practitioners are incompatible. This can be due to conflicting personalities, feelings of discomfort, or a lack of expertise. Here are some signs that you’ll want to see a different Toronto functional medicine practitioner:

  • Nutritional health and your personal nutritional status are not brought up.
  • You don’t feel like you can share your thoughts; the practitioner’s approach to wellness makes you feel uncomfortable and incapable of improving your wellness.
  • Hazardous diets or detox regiments are recommended.
  • The practitioner pushes you to buy pricey supplements and pay for excessive or unnecessary functional medicine testing, especially if they don’t apply to your condition.
  • You’re told that you’ll be “cured” if you continue consulting with this practitioner.

Are you seeking a functional medicine provider who will pay attention to your needs? If you’re ready to recover your wellness with the functional medicine approach, let’s talk!

Meet a practitioner from the Toronto Functional Medicine Centre

At the Toronto Functional Medicine Centre, we’re currently accepting new patients for an integrative, evidence-based approach to wellness.

Our Toronto-based private practice is located in Yorkville, and we treat patients with various chronic and/or acute health issues, such as neuropathic pain, oxidative stress, blood pressure issues, chronic symptoms, adrenal fatigue, postmenopausal health, and infertility. Our health care providers are passionate about functional and integrative medicine.

Personalized treatment plans may consist of allopathic treatments (Western medicine), Traditional Chinese Medicine (Eastern medicine), and a wide range of holistic therapies such as acupuncture for pain relief, IV vitamin therapy for nutritional deficiencies, bio-identical hormone replacement therapy for hormonal health, among others.

What are you waiting for? Let’s discuss new ways to upgrade your health! Call (416) 968-6861 to meet our health care team and learn more about functional medicine in Toronto.

Recommended Reading: Clomid for Fertility: A Quick Guide for Functional Medicine Toronto Patients

Disclaimer: The information in this article is designed for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. This information should not be used to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting a doctor. Consult with a health care practitioner before relying on any information in this article or on this website.



Beidelschies M, Alejandro-Rodriguez M, Ji X, Lapin B, Hanaway P, Rothberg MB. Association of the Functional Medicine Model of Care With Patient-Reported Health-Related Quality-of-Life Outcomes. JAMA Netw Open. 2019;2(10):e1914017. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2019.14017

Jeffrey S. Bland, PhD, FACN, FACB, Associate Editor , What is Evidence-Based Functional Medicine in the 21st Century?. IMCJ Integrative Medicine: A Clinician’s Journal, v.18(3); 2019 Jun ; Integr Med (Encinitas). 2019 Jun; 18(3): 14–18. PMCID: PMC7217393. PMID: 32549804

“Cleveland clinic Finds Functional Medicine Model is Associated with Improvements in Health-Related Quality of Life: Functional medicine addresses the root causes of chronic disease,” news release announced by the Cleveland Clinic, posted on October 25, 2019.


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