Winterize Your Skin with Functional Medicine and IV Therapy Tips from Toronto


If you’re having trouble achieving healthy skin, our functional medicine and IV therapy Toronto-based clinic has several tips to share!

Upgrading your skin-care regime shouldn’t be limited to serums. Underlying health concerns can contribute to poor skin health, such as nutrient deficiencies, digestive issues, stress and anxiety, poor cellular function resulting in lack of energy, and dehydration. Cold winter months can also cause them to become cracked, dry, and itchy. 

The integrative functional medicine approach to wellness could introduce you to new strategies and beneficial effects for your skin, such as using key nutrients and lifestyle modifications. Here, the Toronto Functional Medicine Centre (TFMC) discloses tips based on functional medicine and IV therapy practices. 

Functional medicine and IV therapy tips for augmenting skin health

    1. Consider contrast baths: Contrast baths consist of short, recurring submersions in water, interchanging from warm to cold temperatures, and vice versa. This approach to wellness facilitates lymphatic system drainage; it assists the movement of lymph and extracellular fluid, which is vital for healthy immune function. By aiding the elimination of toxins and excess fluids from the body, contrast baths can potentially reduce redness and swelling, and may lead to other positive effects, such as radiant complexion. 
    2. Improve sleep quality: Did you know that poor sleep can contribute to aging skin? The human body needs rest to optimize growth and healing. Collagen production is regulated by your immune system, and your immune health gets restored through sleep! In one study from Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, participants who got optimal sleep “… had significantly lower intrinsic skin ageing scores… [G]ood sleepers had 30% greater [skin] barrier recovery compared with poor sleepers.” 
    3. Consider new stress management methods: Stress can affect your skin, as increased bouts of acne are linked to high stress levels. Finding ways to manage stress could potentially boost your skin health. Further research is needed, though one study from Medical Acupuncture suggests that acupuncture could improve wound healing and reduce itching, atopic dermatitis and pain linked to herpes zoster. 
    4. Boost your dietary intake of vitamin C and vitamin E: Both of these vitamins are major antioxidants that can help increase collagen levels. Antioxidant properties can also contribute to scavenging free radicals, which are known to cause wrinkles, inflammation, and cellular damage. So, try adding foods to your meals that are rich in vitamins C and E, such as citrus fruits, bell peppers, broccoli and tomatoes. In fact, here are some superfoods suggested by our functional medicine clinic.
    5. See a functional medicine provider to personalize a treatment plan: Integrative functional medicine providers like ours can modify therapies into a personalized treatment plan. Thus, specific phytonutrients and oral supplementation will likely be advised for your nutritional deficiency or health goals (i.e. to promote an anti-aging effect for appearances). We take into account your current prescription medications, so we can advise on the supplements you can or cannot consume due to interactions. For instance, proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) can cause metabolism inconsistencies, potentially causing vitamin/mineral deficiencies related to vitamin B12, calcium, folic acid and more. 
    6. Get functional medicine lab testing done: If your health goals include supporting energy production, improving physical performances and metabolic health, and enhancing the appearance of skin, explore your dietary intake of key nutrients. At the Toronto Functional Medicine Centre, we offer a metabolomics test, and the results can help us design a comprehensive treatment plan. This specific lab test provides an overview of the nutrients your body is missing. For instance, if results show you’re lacking nutrients that are associated with skin quality (i.e. vitamin A, omega-3 fatty acids, CoQ10, alpha lipoic acid ), alleviating these nutrient deficiencies could help recuperate your skin condition. 
    7. Consider adding intravenous infusion drips to your treatment plan: If you’re concerned that you’ll have a low absorption of nutrients due to a chronic condition (i.e. inflammatory bowel disease) or an aversion to swallowing pills, an IV vitamin drip can be prescribed with a tailored dose. This may be suitable as an “extra measure” for upping your nutrient intake, as dosages of vitamin tablets can get fragmented from the digestive process. IV therapy inserts an IV tube into the vein, which allows a liquid supplement to bypass the digestive tract and instantly enter the blood stream. As digestion isn’t necessary, this treatment modality may result in speedy results. 
    8. Improve your hydration: Finally, stay hydrated! Low fluid intake can negatively impact skin, thereby increasing dryness. One study from Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigative Dermatology implied that “… increasing the dietary water intake would affect the skin the same way as a topical moisturizer.” 

In fact, during roughly 60 minutes of exercise, many individuals lose 1-2 litres of fluids. (FYI: It should be noted that low fluid intake can cause muscle fatigue and leg cramping during these physical activities.) Regarding athletes engaged in intense workouts, fluid loss can heighten up to 3 litres per hour! Distance running, cycling, strenuous hiking or cross-country skiing actually pose a significant risk to severe fluid loss, which can potentially cause heat exhaustion. For endurance athletes in particular, dehydration can cause a health condition called post-extreme endurance syndrome (PEES). A reduction in body temperature, dizziness, headaches, vomiting and diarrhea are some of the symptoms of PEES. Thus, if you’re losing excessive amounts of fluids on an ongoing basis, adjunct Intravenous drips can help with rehydration, in addition to drinking fluids regularly and eating hydrating food items (i.e. watermelon, cucumber). 

If you have skin concerns or other health issues (i.e. weak immune function, low energy levels, poor muscle recovery, hormone imbalances, etc.) please call us today! Promoting health benefits in the body may require customization; we can do this by tending to individual patient needs. We’re currently accepting new patients for functional medicine and IV nutrient therapy care. 

How to become a TFMC patient

You can become a new patient by booking your initial visit. This complete diagnostic session would discuss your health goals, medical history, quality of life/lifestyle factors, chemical exposures, and other constituents; this information would be used to unravel the core components of your uniqueness. We may recommend functional medicine lab tests to verify your health status. Once we’ve collected relevant details and analyzed your lab results, we can customize your treatment service. Our health practitioners can modify treatment plans for a wide range of health conditions, such as food sensitivities, chronic fatigue syndrome, autoimmune conditions, menopausal symptoms, and other conditions. 

IV vitamin therapy can be added to your tailored treatment plan as adjuvant aids (this should not replace routine supplements and a healthy diet). We prescribe vitamin IV therapy drips for your biological needs, and they would be administered with regular daily oral supplementation. When intravenous therapy is taken with other treatment modalities and healthy living, it can contribute to optimal function. Ask us about adding natural ingredients to your IV drip anytime – ascorbic acid, vitamin A, vitamin E, amino acids with glutamic acid, folic acid, vitamin B6, and more are available for treatment plans. Booster shots (vitamin D, B12, and glutathione) can also be prescribed in our IV Lounge. 

If you want to hydrate your skin health, let’s chat! Unlock your potential with a tailored treatment service. We can include key nutrients designed for your needs from our IV therapy Toronto Lounge. Contact the Toronto Functional Medicine Centre today. 

Disclaimer: The information in this article is designed for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. This information should not be used to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting a doctor. You should always consult with a health care practitioner before relying on any information in this article or on this website. Never delay or disregard seeking professional medical advice from your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider because of information you have read from the Toronto Functional Medicine Centre website or other affiliate media. 



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