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What Is Alpha Lipoic Acid? This IV Therapy Toronto Lounge Info Sheet Explains


Alpha lipoic acid has been gaining popularity for promoting positive effects – and we understand why! It plays an essential part in cellular functioning, and may be administered as oral supplementation and/or adjunctive IV therapy in Toronto, 

Also called ALA, this is a compound that’s naturally made in the human body. It helps protect the body from cellular damage, helping to alter glucose into much-needed energy. As a potent antioxidant, it may support improved metabolism (weight loss), supple skin,  and help reduce neuropathic pain when taken on a regular basis. 

In this blog post, the Toronto Functional Medicine Centre highlights ALA and its key benefits; how to take it as a supplement; and how to get a nutritional drip customized in our IV Lounge.

Key Facts About Alpha Lipoic Acid and It’s Beneficial Effects

    • ALA is a water- and fat-soluble nutrient made in your cells. Our bodies create minimal amounts, so you can only increase your intake through supplements or eating ALA-rich foods. Minimal amounts are found in red meat, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and spinach. 
    • The nutrient can rejuvenate some major antioxidants in the body, such as vitamin C and glutathione. The body needs particular enzymes for the conversion of food to energy, and some of these enzymes rely on ALA for functioning. 
    • This nutrient is not the same as alpha linolenic acid! Alpha lipoic acid and alpha linolenic acid tend to get mixed up because they’re both called ALA. But they have different core components. For example, alpha-linolenic acid contains omega-3 fatty acids, whereas alpha-lipoic acid, although a powerful antioxidant, does not.
    • ALA may reduce inflammation by lowering protein levels in the body called C-reactive protein (CRP). Having high CRP levels implies that high amounts of inflammation is present; excessive levels may also  be an  indicator  for heart disease. 
    • One of its benefits includes fostering anti-aging effects. In one study, participants were given topical ALA for targeting wrinkles. At the end of the study, almost a full removal of fine lines occurred, notably reducing lines on the upper lip and around the eyes. 
    • In one 20-week trial, obese participants with diabetes, hypertension or hypercholesterolemia were given either ALA supplements or a placebo. The group that took ALA ended up losing modest amounts of weight. 

How To Take ALA

This supplement may be advised for health concerns linked to blood sugar levels, weight management, diabetes, heart health conditions, whole-body inflammation, offer benefits for specific liver conditions, and for improving the appearance of skin. But this also depends on your current health status, as interactions may occur when ALA is taken with antidiabetic agents. Hence, consulting with a functional naturopathic doctor/healthcare provider before taking new supplements can help avoid medication interactions. 

If you’re opting for oral supplementation, do take ALA on an empty stomach; this is because certain foods can hinder this nutrient’s bioavailability. Some patients struggle with malabsorption due to their chronic diseases (i.e. Crohn’s, celiac) and will get an upset stomach from ingesting oral treatments. For these cases, we can prescribe ALA  and other essential elements as intravenous (IV) drip therapy with customized doses of nutrients. 

IV therapy doesn’t need the digestive tract because it guides a formula into your vein and blood stream; you’re then assured of receiving a full absorption of nutrients, unlike capsules. Though the oral route is effective for boosting ALA, amounts of nutrients can still get lost from the digestive process. So, think of IV vitamin drips as something that “promises” your body of absorbing an entire prescribed dosage. Here is a blog post about how IV therapy may help support health optimization.

Note: Vitamin IV therapy can contribute to alleviating nutrient deficiencies, but it is intended for supportive measures only. It should not replace daily supplements, a balanced diet, heart-pumping exercise, and additional therapies (i.e. Western medicine). 

Our IV Lounge is currently accepting new patients who are seeking custom health care, including intravenous drips. We offer ALA as an IV drip, and other natural ingredients can be added to your IV therapy treatment, such as ascorbic acid, folic acid, major minerals, vitamins A, B’s, and E, a medley of amino acids, glutamic acid, and more. 

Uncovering the source of your chief health concerns can be eye-opening. It may even inspire you to make lifestyle changes towards optimal functioning. Learn how to get your treatment plan and vitamin drips customized below.

Get Your Custom-Made IV Drip Tailored at the TFMC

Especially when it comes to food sensitivities, physical exertions and immune function, every individual has a varied expression of health. What is effective for one person may not necessarily apply to the other. This is why we tailor treatments for you!

Our team of functional medicine providers have 50 years of collective experience, and they’re proficient in adapting treatments for a wide range of health conditions, especially those concerning post-disease symptoms, liver detoxification, poor nail and hair growth, cognitive function/decline, brain fog, chronic inflammation, muscle recovery, and infertility. We adhere to the integrative functional medicine model, so all of our therapies – including naturopathic medicine, acupuncture, and IV therapy drips – are modified using this approach to wellness. 

Supportive intravenous therapy is available in our IV Lounge, where patients can kick their feet up with an IV vitamin infusion! Therapeutic doses are prescribed for biological needs, especially to help alleviate vitamin and mineral deficiencies. If you opt for adjunct IV therapy drips, then oral supplementation, a balanced diet/exercise, and additional health interventions should continue – when these are practiced with IV nutrient therapy, they can promote optimal function. 

As stated earlier, alpha lipoic acid is available in our IV Lounge as a nutritional drip. If you have questions about other  essential nutrients, let us know! We also compound adjunct drips for specific health goals – our anti-aging IV drip and post-exercise amino acid drip are just a few examples. Vitamin B6, glutathione, and vitamin D injection therapies are also prescribed in our IV Lounge. 

Are you finally ready to make healthy changes? Simply start by clicking here – fill in this form to request your initial session for IV therapy at the Toronto Functional Medicine Centre. 

Disclaimer: The information in this article is designed for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. This information should not be used to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting a doctor. You should always consult with a health care practitioner before relying on any information in this article or on this website. Never delay or disregard seeking professional medical advice from your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider because of information you have read from the Toronto Functional Medicine Centre website or other affiliate media. 



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