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Brief Guide To Amino Acid IV Therapy From Our Toronto Lounge


Can you answer this question from our IV therapy Toronto lounge: What exactly do amino acids do? 

It may seem like a simple question, but each one of these molecules has a special function for supporting optimal health. A variety of amino acids must carry out the following acts in the human body: 

  • They encourage healthy skin, hair and nail growth
  • Construct muscles 
  • Strengthen immune health
  • Help with regulating digestion
  • They construct hormones and neurotransmitters
  • Boost energy production 
  • Encourage tissue repair
  • And also help with converting the food you eat into energy.

Your dietary intake of healthy food should suffice for sustaining amino acid levels. But diet may not be enough for some individuals. It’s possible to be deficient in these nutrients, and this deficiency may cause poor immune function, lack of energy, infertility, slow physical development in children, depression, and other additional health issues. 

If you suffer from malabsorption due to a chronic illness (i.e. Crohn’s), your body may also struggle with getting the proper absorption of nutrients. The active, athletic performing-oriented population (i.e. runners, triathletes, etc.) can “sweat out” levels of amino acids, such as lysine, during a physical performance. For these circumstances, we may recommend IV therapy to replenish amino acid levels. It may interest you to read our previous article on the reasons to get IV therapy from a Toronto clinic.

How do amino acids work as intravenous therapy? 

At the Toronto Functional Medicine Centre (TFMC), a medley of amino acids is available in the form of vitamin IV therapy, and they’re administered in our IV Lounge. When combined with a healthy lifestyle and other functional medicine therapies, IV therapy could contribute to optimal function. 

Oral supplementation for amino acids is widely available; for some patients, though, these may instigate unwanted side effects (i.e. nausea). Also, your body might not absorb the full doses of nutrients. This is because tablets and capsules require digestion prior to reaching the bloodstream; by the time oral supplements enter the bloodstream, you may have already lost significant amounts of nutrients due to the digestive process. 

IV therapy drips do not require use of the digestive tract, and this is because a formula (which can contain essential vitamins, minerals, and amino acids) is directed into your veins; this is why digestion isn’t required for this modality. Not only can this treatment be used by patients with malabsorption, but also for people with dysphagia or an aversion to pill forms. 

One of the beneficial effects of intravenous therapy is that it assures a full absorption rate. Because digestion is not needed for this treatment, the solution doesn’t have to be filtered via the intestines. Thus, IV therapy drips can offer you therapeutic doses of amino acids for immediate use. 

In our IV Lounge, we uniquely compound formulations for certain health needs. An example of an IV therapy drip for optimal functioning may contain these natural ingredients: 

Amino Acid (IV)



Necessary for cellular health, as it participates in transforming energy into ATP (adenosine triphosphate); it also helps lessen inflammation. Further research is needed, but scientists postulate that carnitine could improve male sperm quality, helping to improve fertility.  


As an antioxidant, acetylcysteine is commonly used for helping detoxify the body from acetaminophen overdoses, and may also help relieve respiratory discomforts. It can contribute to supporting liver detoxification, immune function, and potentially promote an improvement in brain function and mental health (i.e. mood). It may also aid in replenishing glutathione levels, especially for repairing injured tissues.


Encourages the formation of new cells to collect around a wound, which could promote healing; when amalgamated with arginine, it’s been shown to potentially lower anxiety levels. In one study, participants experienced reduced cortisol levels after taking a lysine-arginine supplement for one week.  


According to an article from Nutrition Research, ornithine “… promotes growth hormone release by stimulating the pituitary gland. Growth hormone promotes the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids.” This amino acid may also reduce fatigue related to physical exertion, as well as promote detoxification. 


Helps create nitric oxide, which is a molecule that assists with regulating blood flow and cellular functioning. It’s a precursor to glutamate, creatine, and other amino acids. It’s also demonstrated improvements to athletic performance, especially for upgrading strength and muscle function. 


It’s a source of energy for immune cells, and can foster white blood cell production. If you’re hurt or stressed, supplementing with glutamine regularly could assist with strengthening immune function and maintaining a stockpile of protein when the body needs it. 

Note: Each IV drip treatment from the TFMC is customized for a patient’s biology. Your particular IV drip therapy may or may not include the amino acids stated in the table. 

If you want to foster your amino acids with vitamin infusions, capsules, or powders, speak to a healthcare provider who can customize treatment plans. A functional medicine practitioner is one example, and you can request a session with one from the TFMC. 

About the TFMC’s IV Therapy Lounge

Our private downtown clinic is accepting new patients. New and pre-existing patients may inquire about our IV drips, which can be modified with intravenous magnesium, vitamin C (ascorbic acid), folic acid, Myer’s Cocktail, vitamin E, glutathione, and/or other key nutrients. 

Intravenous infusion drips – when integrated with other treatment modalities, exercise, and a healthy diet – may contribute to wellness improvements. 

Intravenous drip treatments can boost red blood cell production and cellular function. We tailor these treatments for your health concerns using the integrative functional medicine model. This is a health-care practice that helps tackle the root of your health concerns with a “whole body” approach to wellness. Our personalized service of vitamin drip treatments and other modalities consider your unique health goals, as well as toxin exposures, lifestyle factors, diet, and medical history. 

We treat you as an individual patient who may require unique therapies to promote symptom relief. Our IV treatment service can be tailored for a wide range of conditions, including: chronic fatigue syndrome, nutritional deficiency, cellular damage, nail and hair health issues, liver disease, autoimmune conditions, menopausal symptoms, megaloblastic anemium, among others.

Sometimes we need help reclaiming our physical performance or mental clarity – that support is available in our IV therapy Toronto practice! Let’s customize your treatment with amino acids to meet your health goals. Request your initial consultation by clicking here. 

Disclaimer: The information in this article is designed for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. This information should not be used to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting a doctor. Consult with a health care practitioner before relying on any information in this article or on this website.


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Miyake M, Kirisako T, Kokubo T, Miura Y, Morishita K, Okamura H, Tsuda A. Randomised controlled trial of the effects of L-ornithine on stress markers and sleep quality in healthy workers. Nutr J. 2014 Jun 3;13:53. doi: 10.1186/1475-2891-13-53. PMID: 24889392; PMCID: PMC4055948.

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