How to Tell You Need a B12 Supplement: An IV Therapy Toronto Reference Sheet


Did you know it can take ample time to form a B12 deficiency? In our IV Therapy Toronto lounge,  it’s not uncommon for us to closely monitor a patient’s B12 levels – after all, the nutrient affects our cellular health, the functioning of nerves, and red blood cell formation. 

Inside our private downtown clinic, there are occasions when a functional healthcare provider will prescribe B12 injection therapy. Safe doses are determined for biological needs under functional medicine guidelines, which means that your prescription is uniquely dosed for your health goals, nutritional deficiency, etc. 

But how exactly can you tell if you need a B12 supplement or booster shot? The Toronto Functional Medicine Centre (TFMC) explains this, along with details about our testing services and functional medicine programs. 

When to consider B12 supplementation

Optimal nutrients, such as B12, significantly impact daily wellbeing and much-needed energy. The B vitamin helps sustain brain health, including cognitive function, and it also fosters DNA functioning. The human body can stockpile up to 2000x the amount of B12 as you would consume in 24 hours – which is why it can take years for deficiency symptoms to manifest. The vitamin is needed to prevent a type of anemia called megaloblastic anemia, as well as to inhibit harm to the nervous system. 

B12 is added to multivitamin formulations and B complex supplements. However, there are times when you may be at risk of this deficiency. If you can relate to the circumstances below, please speak to a functional practitioner (i.e. naturopathic doctor) for nutrient testing and tailored support:

    • You don’t consume animal products: B12 is consumed through meat, dairy and fish. If your dietary intake is based on vegan or vegetarian models, a daily B12 supplement is needed, as restricted dietary measures may not suffice. 
    • You frequently practice alcohol overindulgence: Heavily consuming alcohol can deplete nutrient levels, including vitamin B6 and B12. These beverages can also disrupt your absorption of nutrients, which can further exacerbate your health if you’re already B12 deficient or lacking other essential nutrients. 
    • You’re on medications that reduce stomach acid: Histamine blockers, antacids, and PPIs (proton pump inhibitors) have been linked to B12 reductions. These medications subdue stomach acid, which can hinder your body’s absorption of vitamins. 
    • You’ve been diagnosed with a chronic health condition: Digestive disorders, such as Crohn’s or celiac disease, can negatively affect the digestive tract and impede nutrient absorption. If you inherited a gene that leads to excessive homocysteine levels, a B12 supplement is advised, too. 

B12 booster shots must be prescribed by one of our functional medicine practitioners. Prior to getting this, a mandatory consultation is conducted to rule out underlying health concerns. We may advise on quantifying your body’s current levels of vitamins to help us customize your B12 injection dose; details are highlighted in the next section. That is why it is important to know some important facts about multivitamins as highlighted in our IV therapy Toronto lounge.

Applying functional medicine lab testing

Testing is imperative for our personalized treatments, as results are used to customize your treatment plan. Our functional lab tests can indicate where your wellness is headed by detecting various components of health, such as biomarkers. Some of these tests are unlike conventional lab tests, as they tend to detect conditions and not biomarkers. If you were to visit us for B12 concerns, we may run these tests on you:

    • Metabolomics Test (Genova Diagnostics): This can help detect the status of your cellular functioning, as nutrient deficiencies can cause cell dysfunctions. A morning urine sample would be submitted, and you’d have the option of adding another urine test to detect toxic elements. 
    • Organic Acid Testing (Mosaic Labs): Your metabolic function may be assessed with this assessment. Nutritional shortcomings, oxidative stress and yeast can cause you to urinate high concentrations of organic acids. This test helps detect these organic acids. 

If your lab work shows that you’re B12 deficient or heading in that direction, we can guide you on taking oral supplementation (sublingual tablets), or we can prescribe a B12 booster shot. Intravenous therapy drips are administered for supportive measures, such as “topping up” other B vitamins (i.e. vitamin B1). Take note: Injection treatments and IV nutrient therapy should not be relied on as sole therapies. These modalities must be combined with other treatments (i.e. naturopathic medicine), a balanced diet, and exercise. 

Supplementing with key vitamins can potentially promote health improvements, including amendments to muscle function, mental clarity, tissue repair, and liver detoxification. How can we help you sustain peak performance or augment your cellular functions? Let’s find out together! Keep reading to learn about our IV Lounge and how to reach us. 

About the TFMC’s IV Lounge

Nutrient deficiencies can truly impede optimal functioning. At the TFMC, our compassionate approach to wellness not only targets these health flaws, we also take plenty of time to educate you on your treatment’s beneficial effects, how to prevent additional chronic issues, and customize methods to improve your quality of life. 

By adhering to the functional medicine model, we can provide a personalized service of health care and functional medicine programs to our patients.  Tailored health care may be advantageous for addressing several health concerns. No two patient is alike, so our health team is adept at modifying therapies for diverse health issues, including those connected to chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic inflammation, athletic performance, mineral deficiencies, immune health, food sensitivities, hormonal imbalances, blood pressure regulation, skin elasticity, recurrent infections, and more. 

Our IV Lounge is located inside our TFMC clinic. In here, vitamin IV therapy is prepared fresh on a daily basis without preservatives. Each custom-made IV drip is uniquely dosed with functional medicine principles, so your IV drip will never be the same as another patient’s treatment! Therapeutic doses of nutrients can be prescribed for intravenous therapy and numerous natural ingredients are available, such as glutathione, NAD, folic acid, amino acids, vitamin C (ascorbic acid), vitamin B6, alpha lipoic acid, major minerals, and other key nutrients. We recognize the beneficial effects of injection therapy, so B12, glutathione, and vitamin D injections may be prescribed by us if need be. In addition to a wholesome lifestyle and other health interventions, IV drip therapy and booster shots may contribute to health enhancements.  

Don’t settle for low energy levels and brain fog – let’s start renovating your functioning with a tailored treatment plan. IV therapy from the Toronto Functional Medicine Centre is available for new and existing patients now. Act now by clicking here to request your initial visit.

Disclaimer: The information in this article is designed for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. This information should not be used to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting a doctor. You should always consult with a health care practitioner before relying on any information in this article or on this website. Never delay or disregard seeking professional medical advice from your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider because of information you have read from the Toronto Functional Medicine Centre website or other affiliate media. 



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Vitamin B12” from the Nutrition Source, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, reviewed March 2023, viewed on May 7, 2024.

Vitamin B12 Fact Sheet for Consumers” from the NIH (National Institutes of Health), updated December 15, 2023, viewed on May 8, 2024. 


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