Our IV Therapy Toronto Guide to Antioxidants and How to Find Them


In our IV Therapy Toronto Lounge, you’ll likely overhear us discussing antioxidants and their beneficial effects on cognitive function, cellular functions, and more. 

Antioxidants may play a part in promoting positive effects on various aspects of health. Unfortunately, many people are still unaware of what these natural ingredients are. So, if you’re seeking new strategies for optimal health and functioning, this article from the Toronto Functional Medicine Centre (TFMC)’s IV Lounge focuses on what these substances are and where you can source them. 

What exactly are antioxidants? 

First, here’s a quick refresher on free radicals: These are chemicals that can harm the human body’s cells when an excessive amount is accumulated. Their effects are injurious enough to damage cells and DNA. Sizeable amounts may be formed from exposures to air pollution, UV rays, heavy metals (i.e. mercury), chronic stress, high blood sugar, cigarette smoke, and radiation. 

This accumulation of free radicals can lead to the formation of oxidative stress, which is an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants. “[T]his is a harmful process that can negatively affect several cellular structures, such as membranes, lipids, proteins, lipoproteins, and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA),” explains an article from Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity. Oxidative stress may also potentially contribute to the formation of diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, cellular damage, poor cognitive function, age-related conditions (i.e. Alzheimer’s), and heart disease. 

Now, enter the beneficial effects of antioxidants! These are compounds that can scavenge free radicals and help neutralize their negative effects. Studies have suggested antioxidants can disrupt the circulation and formation of free radicals, while lessening oxidative stress. Scientists have been touting antioxidants for their anti-inflammatory components, helping to improve immune health and elongating the lifespan.  

When supplemented regularly and combined with a healthy diet and ongoing lifestyle modifications, health benefits may arise. Some of these could include: eye and cardiovascular health support; potential disease prevention; anti-aging effect (for skin health and brain function); and improvements to gut health.

Sources of antioxidants

So where can you get antioxidants for optimal functioning? Refer to the table below for information:

Delivery method


Dietary intake

There are a wide range of fruits and vegetables with antioxidant properties, and they can be easily added to your meals. Leafy greens, berries, artichokes, beets, sweet potatoes, whole grains and Brazil nuts are a few examples. 

Oral supplements

Key ingredients containing antioxidants, such as coenzyme Q10, are available as liquids, tablets, capsules, and powders. But we recommend discussing oral supplementation with your healthcare provider to rule out underlying issues and medication interactions. 


Topical antioxidants (i.e. ascorbic acid) may be suitable for skin health concerns, such as wrinkles. When applied onto the skin, they can improve skin quality and offer protection from pollution. But these are not to replace oral supplements and the dietary intake of nutrients. 

IV therapy drips

Considered for “topping up” your nutrient intake of antioxidants for supportive measures; may also assist energy production, blood cell production, and the rehydration of fluids. 

Getting support from adjuvant intravenous therapy

If you want to sustain antioxidant levels in your body, vitamin IV therapy may be considered as an adjuvant treatment. When administered with regular oral supplementation, a healthy lifestyle, and additional treatment modalities, IV drip therapy can offer wellness upgrades. 

Major antioxidants – including glutathione, alpha lipoic acid, ascorbic acid, and selenium – may be compounded into intravenous drips. This is offered in our clinic’s IV Lounge, where doses of nutrients are tailored for your biology. Our personalized IV therapy service in Toronto allows for you to collaborate with us in drafting your health strategy, so there are times when we prescribe IV therapy drips as additional support. Here are some reasons why patients may opt for intravenous therapy: 

    • Vitamin drip formulas bypass the digestive tract; this is because an intravenous tube is directed into your vein and allows for a nutritional formula to enter the bloodstream immediately. This helps reduce unwanted wanted digestive side effects.
    • You’re assured a full absorption of nutrients. Though oral supplementation can help alleviate a nutritional deficiency, you tend to lose some amounts of nutrients from the digestive process. This means you don’t absorb the full dosages of your tablets, capsules, powders, etc. 

To improve your overall health for the sake of muscle recovery, energy levels, liver detoxification, and more, please request your initial visit with the TFMC today. 

About the Toronto Functional Medicine Centre and IV Lounge

Everyone’s health condition has a distinct manifestation. A treatment service prescribed to one individual patient may not necessarily suit another patient. This is why our clinic supports customized health care – by pursuing your unique biology, we help tend to your health needs, such as symptom relief and uncovering the root of your chief health concerns. 

The TFMC offers integrative functional medicine to our patients. This is a health care model that inspects the key components of your individuality, including your medical history (genetics), environmental/lifestyle factors, health goals, and lab tests. When these constituents have been analyzed, a treatment plan can be tailored for your needs. We can cater to a wide range of health concerns, ranging from mental clarity, post-exercise recovery, unexplained weight loss/weight gain, nutrient deficiencies, and proper hydration to autoimmune conditions, chronic fatigue syndrome, and hormonal imbalances.

Your tailored treatment plan may include intravenous infusion drips as an additional wellness tool. We can tailor your IV drip with a blend of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, including amino acids, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, folic acid, glutamic acid, a high dose of glutathione, and more. 

Alongside other functional medicine therapy treatments, oral supplementation, and healthy ways of living, IV nutrient therapy can offer optimal hydration and wellness. Our IV Lounge is designed for patients to comfortably have IV therapy drips administered, with close supervision from our medical doctor, naturopathic doctor, nurse practitioner and registered nurses. 

If you need help refining detoxification processes, immune function, lack of energy, and more, our health providers are available! Request your consultation by sending us a note, and we’ll get back to you shortly.

Disclaimer: The information in this article is designed for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. This information should not be used to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting a doctor. You should always consult with a health care practitioner before relying on any information in this article or on this website. Never delay or disregard seeking professional medical advice from your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider because of information you have read from the Toronto Functional Medicine Centre website or other affiliate media. 



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