How Do Toxins Affect Female Fertility? Our IV Therapy Toronto Lounge Explains


At our IV therapy Toronto lounge, we know that each health journey is unique – this includes struggling with infertility.  

Studies reveal that environmental toxins (i.e. heavy metals, BPA, pollutants, etc.) can impede a woman’s reproductive health. For example, harmful elements may trigger infertility by disrupting the endocrine system. Not only does this reduce the chances of natural conception, it may also result in unsuccessful IVF.

So, what exactly are these toxins? How can they impact a woman’s chances for conception? We explain in the next section, and how the Toronto Functional Medicine Centre can address your fertility health goals. 

Potentially toxic factors behind infertility

  • Pesticides:  Some evidence suggests that consuming fruits and vegetables high in pesticides can contribute to infertility risks in women. Pesticides can hinder your hormonal functions and cause cellular damage, leading to toxic metabolites that can disrupt reproduction. In a study of women undergoing fertility treatments, it was disclosed that those who ate 2+ servings of pesticide-ladened produce daily had an 18% chance of conception. This study insinuates that pesticide exposure may have a negative impact on fertility.
  • Bisphenol-A (BPA): BPA is an endocrine-disrupting synthetic substance in plastics, food packages, and toys. It’s easy to consume because they’re found in food packaging, which can trickle into the food itself. “The chemical has been shown to impact cell division in the ovaries, and alter menstrual cycles and the uterus,” states a Scientific American article.
  • Air contaminants: From 2001 to 2011, eight Californian power plants shut down; air pollutants, such as nitrogen oxide, significantly declined in those locations. But scientists also noted that fertility rates amplified after the plants closed down. In another study, a similar result was found in women undertaking IVF; females who lived near high-traffic roads had reduced chances of embryo implantation compared to those who lived away from traffic.
  • Heavy metals: One study showed that cadmium and lead levels in the blood of American women may influence infertility. “The adjusted odds of infertility were approximately 2–3 times higher…in infertile women than in pregnant women. Our results suggest that blood lead and cadmium levels may be a factor explaining infertility,” says the JBRA Assisted Reproduction study.
  • Cigarette smoke: When you inhale nicotine, you also breathe in hundreds of chemicals and cadmium. “Even fertility treatments such as IVF may not be able to fully overcome smoking’s effects on fertility. Female smokers need more ovary-stimulating medications during IVF and still have fewer eggs at retrieval time …,” explains the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. 

Integrative functional medicine approach to women’s reproductive health

If you think toxins are hindering your fertility, a functional medicine provider can offer support. A personalized service of lab testing (i.e. blood tests) could help establish the root cause of your conception issues. After test results have been examined, an integrative functional medicine treatment plan can be customized to encourage conception.

At the Toronto Functional Medicine Centre, we might discuss these topics during your first consultation and subsequent sessions: 

  • Background: An initial consultation (60-90 minutes) will take place regarding your medical history, genetics, environment and lifestyle. By uncovering these, we can explore some possible triggers behind your infertility.
  • Appropriate lab testing: We may recommend certain lab tests to verify your health (i.e. hormone imbalances, a nutritional deficiency, presence of toxins, etc.). Once we have your test results, we can build a treatment plan to promote fertility and prevent chronic health conditions.
  • Integrative therapies to aid fertility: Personalized treatments may include an integrative medicine model to further detoxify toxins and help attenuate oxidative stress. For example, we may combine hormonal balancing treatments with lifestyle modifications, acupuncture, oral supplementation and intravenous therapy with major antioxidants or essential vitamins. 

What’s preventing you from getting pregnant or achieving optimal function? Let’s find out with integrative functional medicine. Contact us to request your complete diagnostic session. 

How our clinic works

From nutritional shortcomings to cellular function, we take a detailed approach to your health concerns. Our recommendations could offer symptom relief and prevent chronic illness. 

Next to helping optimize fertility, our treatments may address a wide range of health conditions. We can tend to: immune function, energy levels, adrenal function, physical performance, athletic recovery, chronic fatigue syndrome, autoimmune disease, blood pressure concerns, substance withdrawal symptoms, and other health issues such as fibromyalgia and more. Please don’t hesitate to share your concerns with us! 

IV vitamin drip treatments may be used as adjunctive nutritional support. IV Infusions are inserted into the bloodstream; a full absorption of nutrients is provided because it doesn’t pass through the digestive tract. IV nutrient therapy can assist with cleansing and promoting cellular functioning. 

Every drip is blended according to the principles of integrative functional medicine. When combined with other strategies (i.e. lifestyle modifications, bio-identical hormone therapy, naturopathy, allopathic medicine), IV vitamin drip treatments can help with optimal functioning. Our IV Lounge carries an assortment of vital nutrients, including folic acid, glutamic acid, mistletoe, Myers Cocktail, vitamin C (ascorbic acid), a blend of amino acids, and other beneficial ingredients. 

Uncover the root behind your chief health concerns today. The beneficial effects of IV therapy from our Toronto lounge could surprise you! Click here to request your session

Disclaimer: The information in this article is designed for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. This information should not be used to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting a doctor. Consult with a health care practitioner before relying on any information in this article or on this website.


Air pollution may harm fertility” from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, 2017, viewed on March 8, 2023. 

Air pollution might make it harder to get pregnant,” By Nicole Wetsman, Popular Science magazine, published November 14, 2018, viewed on March 8, 2023. 

Bretveld RW, Thomas CM, Scheepers PT, Zielhuis GA, Roeleveld N. Pesticide exposure: the hormonal function of the female reproductive system disrupted?. Reprod Biol Endocrinol. 2006;4:30. Published 2006 May 31. doi:10.1186/1477-7827-4-30

Canipari R, De Santis L, Cecconi S. Female Fertility and Environmental Pollution. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020; 17(23):8802.

Lee S, Min JY, Min KB. Female Infertility Associated with Blood Lead and Cadmium Levels. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020;17(5):1794. Published 2020 Mar 10. doi:10.3390/ijerph17051794

Making fertility-friendly lifestyle choices” from Harvard Health Publishing, adapted from Six Steps to Increased Fertility: An Integrated Medical and Mind/Body Program to Promote Conception, by Robert L. Barbieri, M.D.; Alice D. Domar, Ph.D.: Kevin R. Loughlin, M.D., posted March 27, 2017, viewed on March 5, 2023.

Pesticides in produce linked with reduced fertility in women”, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, posted in 2017, viewed on March 7, 2023. 

Piazza MJ, Urbanetz AA. Environmental toxins and the impact of other endocrine disrupting chemicals in women’s reproductive health. JBRA Assist Reprod. 2019;23(2):154-164. Published 2019 Apr 30. doi:10.5935/1518-0557.20190016

Pivonello, C., Muscogiuri, G., Nardone, A. et al. Bisphenol A: an emerging threat to female fertility. Reprod Biol Endocrinol 18, 22 (2020).

Pizzorno J. Environmental Toxins and Infertility. Integr Med (Encinitas). 2018;17(2):8-11.

Smoking and Infertility Fact Sheet, American Society for Reproductive Medicine, revised 2014, viewed on March 7, 2023. 

Undergoing Fertility Treatment? Watch Your Plastics” by Brian Bienkowski, Environmental Health News on March 14, 2016, American Scientific, viewed on March 7, 2023. 

What I’d Like All Women to Know About Toxic Chemicals” by Dr. Jeanne Conry, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, published January 2022, viewed on March 5, 2023.


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