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Heighten Your Summer Health with Our IV Lounge’s Longevity Drip Combos


Maintaining your health is a must this season – after all, we have to make our moments count in the sun! This is why our Toronto IV Lounge is offering Summer Longevity Drip Combos that combine key ingredients to support your mind and body. Read on to learn about this IV series for promoting healthy skin, mental clarity, and much-needed energy.

How Our IV Drip Combos Work

Summer is the season for socializing and packed schedules! As you get busier, you might find yourself needing an extra boost of energy and hydration. Our selection of IV drips can help you stay energized and functional throughout the bustling sunny months. 

Intravenous therapy aims to hydrate and nourish your body with nutrients. Here are some ways our Longevity Drip Combos can elevate your summer experience: 

    • Naturally help boost energy production
    • Support brain function and focus
    • Promote glowing skin
    • Foster liver detoxification to help flush out toxins
    • Helps maximize the body with hydration, hydration, and hydration!

Each treatment is tailored to meet your specific needs, providing a complete and rapid absorption of nutrients. These intravenous drips may foster immediate benefits to energize you for that family reunion, soccer game, beach trip, and more. 

Our Toronto IV Lounge administers intravenous treatments in a relaxing and safe environment, making it a pleasant experience just for you. By adhering to the principles of functional medicine, we tailor doses of nutrients for your needs only. Our summer drip series is uniquely curated to detoxify, rejuvenate, and energize your body – all for nurturing an enjoyable summer! Take a peek at what’s included in our Summer Longevity Drip Combos. 

Key Ingredients in Our Drip Combo

This powerful drip series combines NAD, glutathione, alpha lipoic acid, and our Maximum Hydration IV with electrolytes. We outline the beneficial effects of each nutritional drip below: 

NAD IV therapy

NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) is a coenzyme with crucial roles in physiological processes. NAD IV therapy can potentially enhance energy levels, improve cognitive function, and support anti-aging effects. Here’s how: 

    • Energy and metabolism boost: NAD IV therapy can increase ATP, the primary energy currency of cells, to help enhance stamina and reducing fatigue. It also supports metabolic reactions, making it beneficial for weight loss and overall metabolic health. 
    • Cognitive enhancement: In studies, NAD has shown promise in improving brain health, enhancing memory, and protecting against neurodegenerative diseases. It also promotes neuronal repair and boosts to neurotransmitter production. 
    • Anti-aging and DNA repair: NAD IV drips can activate sirtuins, which are proteins that contribute to DNA repair and cellular longevity. Activating sirtuins may help reduce signs of aging and improve skin health.

Recommended Reading: Our IV Therapy Toronto Clinic Sheds Light on Amino Acids for Mood Support

Glutathione IV therapy

Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals, which are molecules that can cause premature aging of the skin and brain. IV glutathione therapy can help strengthen cellular health with additional beneficial effects: 

    • Detoxification: IV glutathione therapy can help detoxify the liver and remove harmful substances, promoting overall wellness.
    • Enhancements to skin health: May improve skin elasticity to potentially reduce wrinkles and support a healthy, youthful glow. 
    • Immune support: Glutathione boosts the immune system to help foster resilience against infections.  

Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) IV therapy

Alpha lipoic acid is a potent antioxidant that supports energy production and reduces inflammation. When administered regularly, ALA IV therapy could contribute to managing neuropathic pain with these supportive perks: 

    • Energy production: Some enzymes in the body rely on ALA for their roles in energy production. ALA helps optimize the conversion of food to energy.
    • Skin rejuvenation: Helps maintain collagen production and protects skin from UV damage, contributing to healthier, resilient skin. 
    • Anti-inflammatory effects: ALA IV therapy may reduce chronic inflammation, which can help manage conditions like fibromyalgia and chronic pain. 

Maximum Hydration with Electrolytes

Hydration is crucial for those sticky summer months! Fluid replenishment helps maximize physical exertions for sports and walks in the park, while supporting the skin barrier. Our Maximum Hydration IV with electrolytes may offer aid in these ways: 

    • Electrolyte balance: This drip restocks essential electrolytes to prevent dehydration and maintain body and cellular functioning.  
    • Enhancements to physical performance and muscle recovery: When administered after a workout, it may help prevent fatigue so that you can bounce back on your feet. 
    • Supple skin: Hydration in the form of a custom-made IV drip can help nourish skin cells to prevent age spots and a wrinkled appearance of skin.  

Why Choose Our IV Lounge

Our IV Lounge is located in the Toronto Functional Medicine Centre. We launched our first IV Lounge clinic in 2012; since then, we’ve been serving patients with a wide range of functional treatments! We offer acupuncture, naturopathic medicine, allopathic treatments, holistic nutrition, and more. We also provide: 

    • Functional medicine education: Ample time and information is provided about your health conditions and treatments; this may inspire you to adhere to health goals on a daily basis! You’re also invited to collaborate with us as we draft your treatment plan. 
    • A safe and comfortable environment: Our IV Lounge is designed for you to take time to reflect on your health needs – each session is monitored by our health team for safety and comfort.  
    • Customized care: Your drip is never the same as another patient’s. We tailor IV treatments to meet specific biological needs; doses are adapted with functional medicine principles. 

Book Your Summer Longevity Drip Combos Now

Don’t let the heat wear you down – let’s help rejuvenate and hydrate your body for optimal health and functioning! We believe in your potential to make this an unforgettable summer with fun, love, and laughter! For more details or to book an initial visit for IV therapy in Toronto, contact us now. Our clinicians are waiting for you to schedule your session. 

Disclaimer: The information in this article is designed for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. This information should not be used to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting a doctor. You should always consult with a health care practitioner before relying on any information in this article or on this website. Never delay or disregard seeking professional medical advice from your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider because of information you have read from the Toronto Functional Medicine Centre website or other affiliate media. 


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