Key Facts You Didn’t Know About Multivitamins: An IV Therapy Toronto Guide


While eating a balanced diet has a significant impact on your nutrient levels, are you truly getting the right amount of nutrients from diet alone? In our IV therapy Toronto lounge, there are reasons why we recommend adding a multivitamin to a regime of healthy food and exercise.  

If you’re not taking any oral supplementation right now, this article may drive you to take action! Though multivitamins are meant to be nutritionally supportive, they can also promote a wide range of positive effects on energy levels, mood, and immune function. In this article, our Toronto IV Lounge sheds light on these key points: the surprising advantages of taking multivitamins; why tailor your supplement regime; and how our IV therapy lounge works in Toronto. 

The beneficial effects of multivitamins 

    1. They can help avoid deficiencies from soil nutrient depletion: Studies have shown that the soil our fruits and vegetables grow in has been nutritionally depleted. Farming techniques have changed to enhance the size and quantity of foods, which can sacrifice the vitamin/mineral content in fruits and vegetables. Taking supplements then, such as a multivitamin, can help fill nutrient gaps caused by depleted soil. 
    2. Multivitamins may foster nutrient levels if you have dietary restrictions: Nutrient deficiencies can develop when following a limited diet. For instance, avoiding certain food groups can lead to deficiencies in nutrients like vitamin B12 and calcium. If you’re lactose intolerant, vegan, or vegetarian, a multivitamin may help support your daily nutritional needs
    3. They can also promote a healthy pregnancy: Prenatal multivitamins help ensure you’re providing the body with optimal nutrients for yourself and the fetus. When you’re pregnant, additional folic acid and iron is necessary for daily functioning, fetal development and for the prevention of neural tube defects. 
    4. Multivitamins may support cognitive function in older adults: In one study from The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, it was confirmed that multivitamins can help delay age-related memory issues. Though study findings did not reveal exactly which nutrients are related to memory, it reinforced the fact that certain amounts of nutrients in the body are valuable for brain function and healthy aging. You may also check our IV therapy Toronto guide on lifestyle tips to support healthy aging
    5. Could potentially reduce the formation of cataracts: Findings have shown that multivitamin use can decrease your risks for cataract formations. In a study that lasted from 1997 to 2011, half of the participants (age 50 and older) took a supplement regime of multivitamins, vitamin C, beta carotene, and vitamin E; the rest of the participants were given a placebo. Results showed that cataract formations decreased by approximately 9%. Meanwhile, the risks for nuclear cataracts also declined by 13%; this is significant, as this type of cataract tends to be linked to aging. 
    6. Finally, multivitamins may benefit immune health: As we age, we require additional vitamins, minerals, and major antioxidants due to bodily changes; thus, a multivitamin may be handy for immunity. “Although conflicting and contradictory studies exist, there is evidence suggesting that dietary supplementation with a combination of immunity-related micronutrients supports immune function and reduces risk or severity of infection,” states a Nutrients article. 

As you’ve read, multivitamins can influence optimal health improvements. Though it may seem like any multivitamin should suffice, this may not be the case. Next, discover the importance of health consultations prior to starting a new supplement.  

Discussing multivitamins with a functional healthcare provider 

Functional medicine – which is a health model that our clinic adheres to – views each patient as a unique entity; this means that a patient is never compared to another individual. If you apply this notion to using multivitamins, you’ll find that some vitamin formulas may not be compatible with certain people. Here’s an example: if you’re a smoker, refraining from multivitamins with excessive amounts of vitamin A and beta carotene is advised. This is because both nutrients can boost a smoker’s chances of forming lung cancer. It may be valuable then to discuss your vitamin regime with a functional health practitioner, as this consultant is trained to tailor health advice (i.e. for avoiding medication interactions). 

In our Toronto IV Lounge, we can tailor your supplement strategy for your specific condition. If you struggle with malabsorption due to a chronic health condition (i.e. inflammatory bowel disease, celiac disease), we’re aware that oral supplements may be problematic regarding absorption and digestion. For these cases, we can prescribe IV nutrient therapy (intravenous therapy), which would act as a ‘top up’ to maintain nutrient levels. 

IV therapy treatments are designed to enter the blood stream via your vein; this allows the body to absorb nutrients instantly without filtering through the digestive tract. Though many assume IV drip therapy is slated for emergencies, they can promote beneficial effects for general concerns, too, such as relieving mineral deficiencies. 

It’s never too late to learn about supplementations for optimal health. Why not start now? Let’s personalize your treatment plan today. 

Details about our Toronto IV Lounge

Replenishing the body with nutrients may require assistance – after all, we all have different ways of living and eating! Inside the Toronto Functional Medicine Centre (TFMC) is our IV Lounge, which is where we tailor intravenous therapy for your biology. 

Our intravenous drips are designed for supportive measures only. IV therapy drips are not meant to act as substitutes for formal health interventions, nor should they be used as ‘quick fixes’ for ailments. When this modality is combined with a healthy quality of life and additional therapies, it may support health improvements (i.e. relieving nutrient deficiencies or improving cellular health).

If you’re interested in a nutritional drip from us, please note that an initial consultation with our IV therapy provider is mandatory. This is needed before administering your first IV, especially for deciding on key ingredients for a custom-made IV drip. Our IV therapy in Toronto is blended on site, which means that every drip administered is freshly prepared. Let us know if you have questions about our menu; we can customize a high-dose vitamin C drip, an optimal hydration treatment for post-workout purposes, or even an anti-aging IV drip.

All doses of nutrients are personalized with functional medicine principles, which is how we curate your treatment! Contact us today to fight cellular damage, help relieve hormonal imbalances, and promote healthier energy levels. 

Let’s unravel your biology and revamp your health now. Our IV therapy Lounge in Toronto is currently available for new patients – act now by clicking here to request your initial visit

Disclaimer: The information in this article is designed for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. This information should not be used to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting a doctor. You should always consult with a health care practitioner before relying on any information in this article or on this website. Never delay or disregard seeking professional medical advice from your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider because of information you have read from the Toronto Functional Medicine Centre website or other affiliate media. 



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