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The Role of B12 and its Types Described by our IV Therapy Toronto Lounge


In our IV therapy Toronto Lounge, we can administer essential nutrients, such as B12, in the form of IV nutrient therapy (also called intravenous therapy). 

B12 supplementation is imperative for the human body. Biologically, we cannot produce this vitamin, and supplementation is mandatory for supporting bodily tasks, such as the functioning of nerves and red blood cell production.  

B12 can be “stockpiled” in the liver for about five years; but a shortage can occur if regular diet and supplementation isn’t practised. A B12 nutritional deficiency can be problematic, as it can lower daily energy production, weaken muscle function, reduce mental clarity, cause digestive issues, and potentially trigger anemia. 

So, what are the beneficial effects of this nutrient? The Toronto Functional Medicine Centre discusses this and the different types of B12 available. 

Understanding B12’s health benefits

Daily supplementation with this nutrient could influence wellness amendments, such as these: 

    • May increase your chances of attaining healthy skin and hair: B12 holds a crucial role in producing and maintaining DNA, which are molecules that carry genetic codes and tell cells in the body what to do. This is imperative for our skin cells, as they’re responsible for producing essential components, including collagen, keratin and elastin (these are all vital for optimizing skin health!). So, when the integrity of DNA is supported by adequate amounts of B12, this could contribute to preserving healthy skin. 
    • Cardiovascular health support: Having excess amounts of homocysteine is an indicator for heart disease risk. But methylcobalamin, a type of B12 supplementation, combined with a specific type of folic acid called tetrahydrofolate can help lower homocysteine levels. Studies have shown that when ideal levels of B12 are present in the human body and combined with lifestyle modifications (i.e. exercise and tetrahydrofolate intake) they’re linked to decreased homocysteine quantities.     
    • Potential enhancements to mental clarity: B12 deficiencies are noticeable in cases of Alzheimer’s disease. But, “[t]here is a small subset of dementias that are reversible with vitamin B12 therapy and this treatment is inexpensive and safe,” confirms a review from International Psychogeriatrics. but the review does emphasize how, “Vitamin B12 therapy does not improve cognition in patients without pre-existing deficiency.” 
    • Prospective improvements to daily energy production: B12 can theoretically offer a metabolism boost, as the nutrient is required for modifying carbohydrates into glucose. Glucose is used by the human body for sustaining energy levels. This is why people with B12 deficiencies and macrocytic anemia become tired quickly during the day. 

The four types of B12 vitamins

Now that you’re aware of this vitamin’s potential positive effects, did you know that there are four types of B12? Refer to the information below: 

Type of B12

Where it’s found


A bioavailable vitamin used for severe B12 nutrient deficiencies; for over 50 years, this has been utilized for treating cyanide toxicities. It’s administered as an injection treatment at the TFMC. 


An active form of B12 that is usually taken sublingually; naturally occurring and sourced from meat (i.e. beef).  Also important for the brain, the health of nerves, and red blood cell production. Administered as an intramuscular shot or as an IV therapy drip at the TFMC.


Also naturally occurring; works synergistically with methylcobalamin on certain methylation biochemical processes that affect DNA and cardiovascular health; contributes to cellular health by promoting the conversion of food to much-needed energy. It also has a role in supporting and protecting mitochondria, the powerhouses of your cellular energy production. 


Manufactured artificially for supplement formulations; may be used to fortify some foods, too. 

So, which type of B12 suits your needs? This depends on your biology, health goals, current health condition, lifestyle, and lab test results. Speaking to a functional medicine provider is advisable, as this health practitioner can customize a treatment service for your needs. If you want to further upgrade your immune health, cognitive function, and liver detoxification, please join the TFMC as a new patient. Let’s introduce you to the beneficial effects of taking optimal nutrients, such as B12, as daily supplements!  

Suggested Reading : How Do We Absorb Nutrients? Our IV Therapy Toronto Lounge Explains

About our functional medicine and IV drip therapy

We recognize individual patient needs by addressing the root cause of chief health concerns. Tailoring treatment plans is something we can help with – after all, customization can target your unique symptoms, such as brain fog, hormonal imbalances, poor muscle recovery, and unstable blood sugar levels. 

Our clinicians adhere to the integrative functional medicine model, which emphasizes the importance of individuality. Hence, we adapt therapies for various conditions, including autoimmune diseases, food sensitivities, mineral deficiencies, chronic fatigue syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, whole-body inflammation, and more. 

During your initial visit, we unravel the core components that make you unique: your health goals, lifestyle and environmental factors, genetics, medical history, and the use of functional lab tests. Once we’ve gathered these details, we can tailor a treatment plan designed for your needs. Your health plan may include an array of integrated modalities (i.e. Western medicine, naturopathy, holistic nutrition, hormone replacement therapies, acupuncture, booster shots, and more).  

Vitamin IV therapy can be prescribed as a supportive tool for your health condition. Regular oral supplementation at home would continue, and adjunct IV therapy drips can contribute to optimal function, especially when combined with a healthy diet, exercise, and other treatment modalities. IV drip therapy is available in our IV Lounge, which is designed exclusively for our patients who need to “top up” nutritional needs. 

As we cater to a wide range of health needs, we offer a bountiful vitamin drip menu. You can find high-dose ascorbic acid/vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E, various B vitamins and folic acid, a medley of amino acids (including glutamic acid), alpha lipoic acid, and other natural ingredients. Vitamin B6 and vitamin D injections may also be prescribed. IV therapy drips are compounded daily without any preservatives, and sessions are closely monitored by our wellness team, which includes a medical doctor, naturopath, nurse practitioners and registered nurses. 

Unveil your potential to improve energy levels, immune function, and your overall quality of life! Request your initial visit for IV therapy in Toronto by leaving us a message – click here to get started.

Disclaimer: The information in this article is designed for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. This information should not be used to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting a doctor. You should always consult with a health care practitioner before relying on any information in this article or on this website. Never delay or disregard seeking professional medical advice from your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider because of information you have read from the Toronto Functional Medicine Centre website or other affiliate media. 



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Moore E, Mander A, Ames D, Carne R, Sanders K, Watters D. Cognitive impairment and vitamin B12: a review. Int Psychogeriatr. 2012 Apr;24(4):541-56. doi: 10.1017/S1041610211002511. Epub 2012 Jan 6. PMID: 22221769.

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