For Men Over 40: Toronto IV Therapy Guide to Supplements That Support Optimal Health


In our IV therapy Toronto lounge, many patients discover that supplements can promote beneficial effects in their forties. For men in particular, this is when aging symptoms begin, such as weight gain, lowered libido, and slow muscle recovery. With the guidance of a functional healthcare provider, you can understand how supplements may support your quality of life. 

Recently, Harvard announced a study that analyzed 100,000 people over 30 years. “The research … revealed that people who followed a healthy diet from their 40s onward were 43-84% more likely to be well-functioning physically and mentally at age 70 …,” confirmed the American Society of Nutrition. This news is encouraging for men to make healthy lifestyle changes! But the Western diet is mainly composed of processed ingredients, sugars, preservatives, and such, which can make us susceptible to vitamin/mineral deficiencies. As a result, lacking amounts of nutrients can hinder detoxification processes and promote the formation of chronic diseases, sarcopenia (an age-related condition in which strength and muscle mass gradually decline), and weakened brain function. 

If you think you don’t need supplements, this article from the Toronto Functional Medicine Centre (TFMC) may change your mind! We discuss why men should boost their supplement intake, key nutrients to try, and info about our downtown clinic. 

Why consider supplements when you’re over 40

Whether you’re a husband, dad, caregiver or career-focused, a nutrition boost can assist daily functioning and promote healthy longevity. Here’s why you should think about taking supplements in your 40s: 

    • To prevent nutrient deficiencies: Meeting nutritional needs through diet may not suffice. Studies are showing that soils are lacking key vitamins, which means some of our dietary intake of produce may not provide us with enough nutrients. 
    • To support cardiovascular health: High blood pressure can put you at risk of heart conditions; when you pair this with a lack of nutrients in the body, you may be at further risk of forming cardiovascular disease. 
    • To foster your body’s hormone balance: Testosterone levels may already be declining, as they can start fading in your 30s. Taking suitable supplements can help prevent hormone imbalances. 
    • To support libido: Low testosterone can also weaken libido. Daily supplements can potentially support blood flow, which can help sustain your sex life and fertility health goals.
    • To sustain the health of bones and muscle: Supporting muscle health may require additional effort as you age. Your intake of key vitamins and minerals can help you continue to sustain muscle mass, while supporting physical exertions and athletic performance. 

Now’s your opportunity to start a new supplement regime or update your treatment plan! Functional medicine programs and therapies are recommended because they’re tailored for your unique biology. A functional healthcare provider can advise you on key supplements for targeting aging health concerns; intravenous therapy may also be suggested if you have difficulties with malabsorption. 

Key supplements for men to boost their intake of optimal nutrients

So which supplements should you take in your forties? Here are some recommendations to start with: 



Beneficial Effects

Vitamin B12

The absorption of B12 can dwindle as the human body matures. Supplementation can aid in keeping your blood cells healthy, supporting the functioning of nerves, and promoting healthier energy levels. 

Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma longifolia)

This herb may support healthy androgen biosynthesis by regulating sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) in the body. Studies have shown that the herb may heighten the amount of serum total testosterone, lessen feelings of fatigue, and may enhance the well-being of aging men. 

Vitamin C 

Also known as ascorbic acid, this nutrient has powerful antioxidant effects that can nullify free radicals. A buildup of free radicals can impede immune health, iron absorption, and skin elasticity. 

Vitamin D

As we age, vitamin D metabolism may alter, which could potentially trigger a nutritional deficiency. Regular vitamin D injections and/or oral supplements encourages the body to absorb calcium to foster strong bones and teeth.   

Saw palmetto

This extract contains anti-inflammatory components; when supplemented, it may help support prostate health and reduce incontinence. It may also contribute to preventing hormone imbalances that can sometimes trigger hair loss. 

Omega-3 fatty acids

The ends of DNA strands are called telomeres, and studies have linked shortened telomeres to age-related issues, such as early onset heart disease. However, omega-3 supplementation has shown to elongate telomeres. 

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)

This nutrient contains antioxidant properties that can neutralize harmful free radicals; in turn, this may lower stress and chronic inflammation. It may also enhance cellular energy production, help support overall heart health and functioning, and potentially prevent plaque buildup to regulate blood pressure.

Note: The supplements listed in the table above may or may not apply to you. As per functional medicine principles, each person has a unique expression of health; thus, supplements can affect people differently. For aging health concerns, a functional practitioner may advise you to try other oral supplementation or treatment modalities. Also, keep in mind that not all of the supplements listed are available for an intravenous treatment. Please contact our IV Lounge in Toronto to start your process for a custom-made IV drip. For example, you can get IV therapy in Toronto for jet lag

About our functional medicine and intravenous drips

Treating the root cause of health challenges – such as low energy levels, memory loss, brain fog, and wonky blood sugar levels – can support positive effects on your wellness. When you focus on the source of health issues, you can manage your condition, help relieve symptoms, and prevent or slow down cellular damage and aging effects. 

At the TFMC, we adhere to integrative functional medicine to personalize treatment plans. By combining treatment modalities, such as Western medicine, naturopathic medicine, nutraceuticals, acupuncture, and more, you can potentially draw relief from a wide range of health strategies. Our IV Lounge is also available for patients who have intravenous drips prescribed to them for supportive measures, such as improving energy levels, vitality, and hydration. When vitamin IV therapy is added to a regime of healthy living and other functional treatments, they can contribute to optimal functioning. 

We offer a variety of key ingredients to tailor your drip therapy, such as major antioxidants (i.e. glutathione), vitamin B6, phosphatidylcholine, amino acids (including glutamic acid), NAD+ IV therapy, and more. And rest assured, your intravenous infusion session is monitored for safety by our naturopathic doctors, nurse practitioners and registered nurses. 

Are you a male over 40 years of age? Our functional medicine programs could potentially recuperate immune function, sexual health, athletic performance, and more. Join us as we tailor your treatment plan with IV vitamin drips! Call the Toronto Functional Medicine Centre now to book your appointment.  

Disclaimer: The information in this article is designed for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. This information should not be used to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting a doctor. You should always consult with a health care practitioner before relying on any information in this article or on this website. Never delay or disregard seeking professional medical advice from your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider because of information you have read from the Toronto Functional Medicine Centre website or other affiliate media. 



Chinnappan SM, George A, Pandey P, Narke G, Choudhary YK. Effect of Eurycoma longifolia standardised aqueous root extract-Physta® on testosterone levels and quality of life in ageing male subjects: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled multicentre study. Food Nutr Res. 2021 May 19;65. doi: 10.29219/fnr.v65.5647. PMID: 34262417; PMCID: PMC8254464.

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What you eat at age 40 could influence your quality of life at 70” from the American Society of Nutrition, posted on July 2, 2024, viewed on July 9,2024. 


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