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Managing Endometriosis With Functional Medicine From Toronto


If you struggle with endometriosis, have you thought of trying functional medicine from a Toronto clinic? 

Some patients opt for conventional medicine to help lessen discomforts linked to this issue; however, there are other patients who choose a different route or decide to integrate therapies. 

Functional medicine is a systems-oriented approach that pinpoints the origin of your health concerns, taking into account your individuality. This is because when you spot the root cause in your body, you can help tackle it directly. In order to reach a diagnosis, functional medicine practitioners consider your genes, medical history, lifestyle/environmental factors, and core tests to verify your health status. 

So, what about addressing endometriosis and its symptoms? Well, the functional medicine model can be applied to this condition. Below, we briefly profile this women’s health issue and how functional medicine therapies can help manage the symptoms.  

What is this health condition?  

  • Endometriosis is a disease in which extra tissue – which is comparable to the uterine lining – grows externally from the womb. As a result, scar tissue and inflammation begin to form around the pelvis. 
  • With this condition, the extra tissue “pretends” to be the natural tissue of your uterine lining. This means that this endometrial tissue bleeds, too, during each period. But endometrial tissue gets “stuck” because it can’t naturally remove itself from the body. The irritated tissue eventually forms into scar tissue. 
  • Clinical symptoms include painful/heavy periods, bleeding/spotting during the middle of menstrual cycles, pelvis/abdominal pain, digestive issues (constipation, bloating), nausea, fatigue, infertility, pain during sex. In some cases, symptoms can arise in other areas of the body, such as body aches or bloody urine or stool.  
  • Endometriosis may be asymptomatic for some women, and the reason it may be discovered is when they address a different issue, such as infertility. 
  • The cause of endometriosis is unknown. But scientists postulate a few theories as to why this happens:
    • Endometrial tissue may disperse through your lymphatic system. It may also   travel through the bloodstream via retrograde menstruation. This occurs when menstrual blood (which can carry endometrial cells) pours backward toward the fallopian tubes. Blood, therefore, enters the pelvic cavity, while simultaneously leaving the body through the vagina
    • Cells from endometrial tissue might cling onto abdomen walls following a surgical procedure (i.e. C-section) or via retrograde menstruation. 
    • Family history may include this condition. 
    • Endometrial tissue enters the fallopian tubes rather than leaving the body during a period.
    • Other cells through the body may transition into endometrial cells; in turn, endometrial tissue may begin to thrive.

There isn’t a cure for this condition. But functional medicine therapies can be used to manage individual symptoms. 

How we might address endometriosis

It’s not uncommon for patients to inquire about this condition in our clinic and IV lounge. Because we adhere to functional medicine wisdom, we reflect on the different factors of your unique body, such as environmental and lifestyle factors, medical history, lab tests, etc. Once we’ve collected the potential roots of your symptoms, we can build a comprehensive treatment plan. Personalized treatment plans may include the following, which may also depend on your biology and health goals: 

  • Modifying your diet: You may want to switch your diet to fresh, organic options. An article from Nutrition Journal states that the “…higher consumption of fruits and green vegetables may be protective because it can decrease inflammatory markers…” It’s also been shown that anti-inflammatory food choices and diets (i.e. the Mediterranean diet), could contribute to lowering the severity of symptoms. One study analyzed 68 people on the Mediterranean diet and it was verified that it reduced their pain from sex, bowel movements, and periods. 
  • Taking supplements to foster symptom relief: Nutraceuticals are food sources with medicinal value. We may recommend particular oral nutraceuticals for endometriosis, such as curcumin. Curcumin has been shown in several studies to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and may reduce oxidative stress that can trigger chronic pain. We may also suggest alleviating nutritional deficiencies, as particular nutrients are shown to reduce inflammation. For example, vitamin C may be advised as oral/intravenous adjunct support for lowering inflammation; this is because it can “neutralize free radicals and diminish endometriosis risk,” explains a Nutrition Journal piece. 
  • Getting bioidentical hormones prescribed: Did you know that high amounts of unopposed estrogen can exacerbate symptoms? If your lab results reveal excessive estrogen levels, bio-identical hormone therapy may be advised to help reduce the symptom severity. These treatments are comprised of plant-derived ingredients that are used to mimic some human hormones. Note: bioidentical hormones are available in various delivery methods (i.e. suppositories, creams) and require compounding.

If you’re seeking ways to manage your cramps, digestive issues, and other endometriosis symptoms, please register with us as a new patient. 

About our clinical nutrition and functional medicine therapies

At the Toronto Functional Medicine Centre, we offer a personalized approach to health care. This is because a custom program can impact wellness in surprising ways, especially for endometriosis and other health concerns, such as fibroids and how functional medicine may help

We want your clinical experience to meet your comfort levels – after all, everyone displays a unique expression of health! Our compassionate health providers motivate you to grab hold of your vigor with integrative medicine tactics. We offer functional tests (i.e. the DUTCH test) to scrutinize your unique biology, and treatments may include acupuncture, Western medicine, naturopathic medicine, bioidentical hormones (hormone optimization programs), Chinese medicine, herbal remedies, and more. By introducing you to different therapies, we encourage you to make healthy lifestyle decisions, which can help  promote disease prevention down the road. 

We can adapt treatment plans for an array of health issues, especially those linked to brain health and brain fog, menopausal symptoms (i.e. night sweats), inflammatory conditions, heart disease, autoimmune disease, immune function, and more. All of our therapies, including IV drips, are created according to integrative functional medicine principles. Reach out to us today and discover new ways to reach optimal wellness!

The Toronto Functional Medicine Centre can guide your health journey with integrated health care. Let’s help boost your energy levels, mood, and more – contact us now and ask us how to get a personalized treatment plan.

Disclaimer: The information in this article is designed for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. This information should not be used to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting a doctor. Consult with a health care practitioner before relying on any information in this article or on this website.



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