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Mistletoe IV Therapy for Toronto Patients: How Does It Work?


Did you know that mistletoe could deliver benefits to your IV therapy from Toronto?

Mistletoe isn’t just your average holiday decoration; mistletoe therapy (MT) uses European mistletoe extract to help support your body, to regain strength and to experience an improved quality of life. In fact, some functional medicine health care providers already recognize European mistletoe as a tool for patients for helping reach optimal functioning.

Mistletoe therapy may be considered for fighting stress, improving energy levels, upgrading immune health, and also as adjunct therapy for cancer. Usually, mistletoe extract is administered via subcutaneous injection, though it can be given to patients as an IV therapy drip, too.

Mistletoe contains over 1,000 constituents. The unique synergy of these substances gives the plant its broad spectrum of effects: strengthening the immune system, activating the body’s defenses, and improving general well-being. “In view of mistletoe’s ability to stimulate the immune system, it has been classified as a type of biological response modifier,” writes an article from Planta Medica.

Why else is mistletoe used as a key component in some wellness treatments? What are its benefits? In this post, the Toronto Functional Medicine Centre explains how IV therapy and intradermal injection with mistletoe could help restore your wellness.

Understanding Mistletoe Therapy in Toronto Functional Medicine Treatments

Did you know that mistletoe extract might help relieve persistent fatigue?  In particular, mistletoe has been pharmacologically used for its antibacterial, anti-oxidative, and anti-cancer effects.

Here’s how mistletoe works on the human body: when the extract is administered, it rouses the immune system by boosting the activity of immune cells, (i.e. lymphocytes). As a result, functional medicine treatments may include mistletoe to promote these benefits:

  • Could help boost energy levels and appetite
  • A recharge in sleep patterns
  • Immune function regulation
  • Could help with alleviating low mood

It’s safe to say that mistletoe deserves credit for promoting optimal health. Mistletoe therapy is currently available at some wellness clinics, including the Toronto Functional Medicine Centre in Yorkville, Toronto.

How is Mistletoe Therapy Administered in Toronto?

At the Toronto Functional Medicine Centre, mistletoe therapy is administered as an intradermal injection or intravenous infusion therapy.

  • Intradermal injection: Mistletoe extract can be injected beneath the skin; however, an initial consultation with our functional medicine team is necessary beforehand to rule out allergic reactions. Don’t be surprised if there’s some redness and itching on the injection site – this is not an adverse reaction because it shows that your body is reacting to the treatment.
  • Intravenous therapy/Intravenous drip: an IV drip with mistletoe extract is inserted into the veins and blood flow; then the body quickly absorbs the mistletoe solution for therapeutic use. Prior to your first IV therapy session, a consultation with our functional medicine health professionals must be conducted. This visit will highlight which essential vitamins to include in your IV drip, your health goals, and if any other functional medicine treatments should be considered.

Take note: Mistletoe therapy can help lessen the side effects of typical cancer therapies (i.e. surgery, radiation, chemotherapy), especially fatigue. As adjunctive cancer support, mistletoe is typically administered over many weeks, months or years; this depends on the duration or progression of your diagnosis.

As you’ve read, mistletoe therapy could foster healthy advantages. Could you benefit from mistletoe extract? Find out by consulting with our functional medicine health professionals, who can further explain mistletoe’s role in improving your quality of life and promoting optimal functioning.

How to Get Mistletoe Therapy at the Toronto Functional Medicine Centre (TFMC)

At the TFMC, we embrace an integrative approach to wellness. If you’re seeking a functional medicine provider to wholeheartedly listen to your health goals, our team is here for you.

Our functional medicine treatments are designed to treat various chronic and acute health issues, including heavy metal toxicities, chronic fatigue syndrome, age-related diseases, treatment-resistant depression, thyroid conditions and blood pressure issues.

A variety of IV vitamin drip treatments are available at the Toronto Functional Medicine Centre, including high dose vitamin C (ascorbic acid), nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) IV for cellular functioning, and amino acids in IV therapy for brainpower. We also offer intravenous alpha lipoic acid and other essential vitamin infusion therapies for autoimmune conditions, immune support and possible nutritional deficiencies.

Let’s get to the root of your health concern today! What can mistletoe therapy do for you? Click here to book a time to learn more about mistletoe vitamin IV therapy in Toronto.

Disclaimer: The information in this article is designed for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. This information should not be used to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting a doctor. Consult with a health care practitioner before relying on any information in this article or on this website.



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