Why You Might Be Lacking Vitamin D: Our IV Therapy Toronto Lounge Explains


If your mood has been low or you’re repeatedly getting sick, have you thought about testing your vitamin D levels? Our clinic’s wellness providers practice IV therapy in Toronto, and they can provide advice on how to augment different amounts of nutrients for optimal function. 

If you have health goals that involve physical performances or mental clarity, taking a regular vitamin D supplement could contribute to positive effects for your wellbeing. This nutrient has vital roles in various aspects of health, such as supporting the health of bones, reducing inflammation, regulating immune function and mood, and more. 

In fact, you may be surprised to learn that these are a few vitamin D deficiency symptoms: mood issues (i.e. depression), poor sleep and energy levels, pale appearance of skin, weak immune health (getting sick often), physical weakness and pain, as well as a diminished appetite. 

Though vitamin D can be synthesized in the body, there are factors that can prevent the body from getting enough of this nutrient. So why would this deficiency occur? The Toronto Functional Medicine Centre (TFMC) explains in this article. 

How this nutrient deficiency is formed

Here are some reasons why you could be at risk of this nutrient deficiency: 

    • You’re a smoker: According to a study published in Cureus, it was shown that, “Rates of vitamin D deficiency were statistically significant among the “former smoker” and “current smoker” subpopulations but not the “never smoked” subpopulation.” Some scientists have insinuated that smoking may impede the formation of vitamin D3 in the body. D3 is a form of vitamin D that the body creates from sun exposure. 
    • You may not be eating enough vitamin D foods: Vitamin D is found in various animal sources, such as egg yolks and fish. If you adhere to a strict dietary intake of vegan or vegetarian food items, you might be lacking this nutrient. 
    • Your vitamin D levels may be declining due to age: As the human body ages, it naturally declines in its ability to absorb vitamin D from the sun. This was confirmed in a study from Endocrine, which explains that seniors are susceptible to this deficiency because both metabolism and production of vitamin D become hindered. 
    • You may not have enough exposure to sunlight: Depending on where you live (i.e. Canada), you may have less access to frequent sunshine due to the dark winter seasons. However, people who reside in warm climates can be at risk of this nutritional shortcoming, especially if they stay indoors from the heat.  
    • Your body’s absorption of nutrients may be compromised: The small intestine has a role in absorbing vitamin D. But there are chronic health conditions that cause digestive issues and detriment to the small intestine, such as celiac or Crohn’s disease, and these can impede the absorption of vitamins. 
    • Your BMI is 30 or higher: Research has suggested that people who struggle with obesity or a BMI of 30+ tend to lack vitamin D. Medical News Today also reports, “Some people with obesity may spend less time outdoors due to mobility issues. Those who have undergone bariatric surgery may also have absorption problems.” 

There are other factors that can impede vitamin D absorption, too, such as skin type, being pregnant, and kidney and liver health conditions. Therefore, we suggest seeking the help of a functional medicine healthcare provider, as this practitioner can help identify and tackle the root of your health concerns. At the TFMC, we offer vitamin D treatments in the form of intramuscular injection therapy – contact one of our healthcare providers today to inquire about this prescription. 

Recommended Reading: The Role of B12 and its Types Described by our IV Therapy Toronto Lounge

Why seek advice from a TFMC health practitioner

Curious about your current nutrient levels? Or do your health concerns include poor muscle recovery, lack of appetite and mood swings? If you said ‘yes’ to either question, a functional medicine practitioner from the TFMC can offer a customized treatment service with lab testing. They can also recommend vitamin D foods for your lifestyle, as well as an oral vitamin D supplement to consume on a daily basis. 

To determine your body’s current levels of vitamins, we may run a personalized nutritional assessment/metabolomics test, which is a non-invasive urine test that measures for nutritional biomarkers. These biomarkers can indicate if you’re lacking not only vitamins, but also major antioxidants, amino acids, and fatty acids. Once we analyze these test results and have an understanding of your quality of life, we can prescribe a therapeutic dose of vitamin D as a booster shot. This dosage is calculated specifically for your shortcomings, and when amalgamated with regular oral supplementation, a healthy diet/exercise, and other therapeutic modalities, booster/injection treatments can contribute to positive health transformations. 

Continue reading below to learn about our clinic and vitamin infusion treatments. 

A glimpse into our vitamin IV therapy lounge

It can be frustrating leaving a clinic feeling unheard and unimportant. Our goal is to individualize health strategies for your uniqueness. No two patients are ever alike due to genetics, lifestyle factors, diet, etc. – this is why we take ample time to understand your medical history, chemical exposures, and daily living, while applying functional medicine lab tests. 

At the TFMC, we embrace a collaborative, patient-centered approach to wellness. We adhere to integrative functional medicine principles, which help us tailor the treatment service of each individual patient. We personalize therapies for a wide range of conditions, especially those linked to brain function/cognitive function, cellular damage, chronic fatigue, liver detoxification, chronic inflammation, food sensitivities, hormonal imbalances, poor skin health, lack of energy, healing of scars, and more. Treatment plans may encompass multiple modalities (i.e. Western medicine, naturopathic medicine, holistic nutrition, etc.), so that you have access to several strategies for promoting symptom relief. 

Along with injection treatments, our in-house IV Lounge is designed to administer intravenous therapy to patients. Some patients opt for IV therapy drips to help sustain optimal function, as IV drips can help alleviate a nutritional deficiency. A custom-made IV drip from us can contain natural ingredients that are dosed specifically for your biology – formulations may contain B vitamins (i.e. vitamin B6), ascorbic acid, vitamin A, alpha lipoic acid, a medley of amino acids, glutamic acid, trace minerals, and other nutrients boasting with antioxidant properties. Booster shots can be prescribed in our Lounge, and may contain vitamin D, glutathione or B6.  

Rest assured, safety is important to us. Intravenous vitamin drip sessions are supervised by our wellness team, which consists of a naturopathic doctor and medical doctor, nurse practitioners and registered nurses. 

If you’re struggling with reaching optimal health, or would like advice on how to add vitamin D foods to your diet, this article may resonate with you. Kick-start on wellness upgrades by simply clicking here – request a DISCOVERY SESSION from our IV therapy Toronto-based Lounge. 

Disclaimer: The information in this article is designed for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. This information should not be used to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting a doctor. You should always consult with a health care practitioner before relying on any information in this article or on this website. Never delay or disregard seeking professional medical advice from your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider because of information you have read from the Toronto Functional Medicine Centre website or other affiliate media. 



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